
Or he could have just spoken Urdu and been kicked off the plane like what happens in real life….hilarious.

Ummm, not sure why you think less than half of Muslim women where hijabs…it really just depends on where you are at.

Lame? Maybe. But I'm sometimes curious to see how hypocritical some people can be…

I know what a "bro" is. I just think casually signaling out people using stereotypes is kind of lazy and lame. Then again, there was never a lack of hypocrisy or snark around here……

Sorry, don't get it.

What is a "bro" type?

Don't worry, I'm not being disingenuous. The comment, which you responded to asking for examples, regarded people who have championed causes being persecuted by people online in equal measure to those saying dumb or offensive things. See, anyone can be offended by anything. That's kind of part of the point to all this.

The context of your post was asking for examples to @mnbska's comment.

Were you asking for examples as per @mnbska's point? If you were I gave you examples. Not comparing them to anything. They are examples of people who have been, to some degree, attacked for taking a stand rather than insulting.

The lady who started the anti-Colbert thing…the non-Trump delegates…etc. There are lots of examples.

That's great you're a historian….however, I'll take the Pulitzer Price winning biography's analysis over a random internet comment.

Historians…..I believe it's covered in American Lion as well.

And it is the same in the Quran….feel free to Google….

You realize he and I were not debating AT all whether the federal government was the 'best" or not. You asked me a question based off one sentence I wrote and I answered with a quote that distilled several comments of his into one statement. Now you think you are clever and trying to shift the entire debate he and I

BTW what's your opinion on whether mistrust of the federal government began with Reagan or not? Can you even contribute to the actual conversation or are you just a moth drawn towards the light?

Do I need to explain how you use "good, better, best"? The OP listed 3 things of which government was one. He then stated that it was distinct among the 3 options because it was "for the common good". Are you purposefully trying to be dense or are you really unable to process the simple statement. Oh, and by the way,

Umm. Nope. My "ergo" isn't logically false. You just omitted the contentious part of the sentence which is "because it cares about the common good". You asked who said the government is the best solution and I just told you. It's not a "position" at all. It's a quote.

"the federal government can be a useful tool to help people because it cares about the common good, as opposed to a corporation concerned with profits or a religious charity dictated by their own limited beliefs. Government isn't the problem"…..

Danielle, to whom are you directing your comment? I don't disagree with you at all and I've never stated "Government is the problem"- it's not. I just don't believe it's the solution to everything either.

The problem with terms like "liberal" and "conservative" is that 1. the philosophical meaning of the word "liberal" has been bastardized. and 2. "conservative" has become short-hand for religious zealot. On one hand, they DO mean those things because that's how they generally are used. I don't disagree with you