
To your first point: Nope. First, you've omitted gerrymandering from your analysis. Secondly, having a fractured party doesn't mean you wouldn't be elected- some areas will elect a "tea party" conservative and others will elect an economic conservative, etc. The measure of a party is if they are able to formulate

The point is that people will believe things which are untrue just because they give them ammunition to vilify other people. It's not really a hard concept to grasp.

There are indeed both lunatics on the left and on the right. There are lunatics all around. Hell, I barely a knowledge the "left" and "right" as meaningful concepts anymore. Those terms alone are intellectual shortcuts when people actually want to refer to political parties which are actually far more accurate to most

I didn't refute anything you stated because my race, among other personal information, is irrelevant to my point that mistrust of the federal government predates Reagan- your claim. You are incorrect about your assumptions of me but I suppose you would just hoot and holler and state I'm lying if I state otherwise.

BTW, you don't need to be "upper middle class" to live around the world. It is 2015 after all.

LMAO. You seem to know a lot about me based off my simple, well-founded belief that federal governments are not necessarily for the common good? Your last post is juvenile at best and staggeringly ignorant at worst.

"Common good". LMAO.

Have you ever heard a conservative (which, I believe you mean Republican) state they want to erode education, cut library funding, and do away with civics with the expressed intent of making people stupider?

Right. All those reasons you stated are good reasons the government doesn't need to have authority in certain areas.

Granted, at least you've made a logical jump and admitted it. I mean, how preposterous it is that there was an outbreak of smallpox at a Fort and then six months later it had spread to the local population (and for some time) even when the Indians had been in contact with the Fort during the small pox epidemic?

You're welcome.

You don't seem to understand analogies…Yes, conservatives exist. So do gay people. The gay agenda is a paranoid construct. Agreed. So is the conservative "agenda" as described in the posts I just referenced (by Prince Joffery).

Case and point….everyone here jumped on the person criticizing liberals (in a roundabout way) for generalizing but ignored the two previous posts to which he/she was responding that generalized "conservatives". Not a peep about that? Even though the first two posts on this thread boardered on the paranoid and

Nothing wrong with being extreme if you don't govern that way…..everyone is entitled to their opinions.

Except there are rational reasons for not wanting the government to have authority in lots of different areas……but if you feel comfortable being reductionist that's cool too, I guess.

Another typical, trashy, anti-intellectual post in its own right…

Do you mean the socialist countries which are historically ethnically homogeneous, the ones who sterilized the disabled in recent history, or the ones where socialism is a front for croonyism? Just wondering what that kind of socialism that old fart is going on about is all.

Republicans don't hate black guys. They hate Muslims.

Spent a whole lot of time saying absolutely nothing in your post, kiddo. Pretty typical A/V post though. Light on substance, with a high dose of moral superiority and snark. Classic.

Except I didn't "blame" women for being raped. Frankly, you're just too stupid to understand the point I've told you over and over and over again. You can make good decisions to protect yourself from ANYTHING bad which may happen. Rape is only one example.