
Hey. you're telling me that I'm projecting and how I'm reading words….It's obvious you don't understand the issue I'm talking about and are, instead, choosing to believe I'm saying they are "asking for it" or whatever way your myopic brain processes information. Again, it's completely obvious to have very limited life

Riiight. Because you aren't projecting anything at all. lolz. Now, I'm just being "hyper literal" because she was talking about her own life, her biography, her decisions, and used the word "I"….hmmm.

1, If you mean "literal" as in reading the words she spoke rather than my own idea about what she meant- guilty as charged. I don't want it two ways but you, apparently, just aren't able to discern nuanced ideas.

And, now, what do you believe she's talking about in your sentence? Being raped or putting one's self in risky situations?

She clearly uses the first person singular in the interview. See my other quote about being a better reader. Oh, and just because there are lots of bad readers doesn't make it right, by the way.

We aren't talking about a woman wearing high heels and going to a bar…we are talking about the situation Chrissie Hynde paints….Did you even read the actual interview or are you trolling?

Me either.. Doesn't really matter though since Hyde said "I" during that entire part of the interview and is clearly talking about herself in a specific context.

Ditto for someone who can't process an entire interview but is totally comfortable isolating a quote which proves their preconceived point.

Well, have you read the entire interview or just the quote you're fixated on? I'd point out that it's clear the focus of the interview wasn't on women dressing a certain way being raped and she used the first person almost solely except for the sentence you've isolated….unless you take it completely literally.. I

Thanks for pointing out all the words I used to state my opinion. Clever. Did you read the article? If so, why use a quote which omits the larger context she was talking about?

I've replied to lots of people without judging them. Are you seriously pretending you didn't troll several of my posts with insulting phrases and nothing more? Now you're hurt because I've "judged" you…..get real. lolz.

I didn't say "controversial"…I said "offensive"….Now I'm left wondering how well you even read the interview….

Somehow I doubt that considering your apparent education level.

No one, including her, is disputing your comment.

Sure feel fine condemning her thoughts on the matter though….Guess you know it all. LOL.

That's all true…and not at all what she or I are saying. Just bringing in random rape facts doesn't make a logical argument. She wasn't raped wearing sweatpants in her house…that's actually her entire point.

You're right. Just like no drug addict ever thought, "Hey today I'm going to OD"…..as you've already stated.

Funny, her quotes seem to target, pretty clearly, women who make bad decisions….of which there are some.

Cult is about right…..

Kind of seems like that's exactly what you're doing…unless victims are only victims if they happen to agree with you? Weird.