
I'm perfectly fine with my reading comprehension, but thanks for your concern. Some people disagree with you, but the world keeps, somehow, spinning.

Umm. No one said anything about that…?

I did…and I clearly have read it a different way than many people on here..

It's pretty clear her entire point is that when you hang out with rapists you shouldn't be surprised if you get raped. She repeatedly puts it into context…e.g "hanging out with unhinged people". She's also clearly distinguishing it from other incidents of rape by stating her repeated bad decisions she made in her

So you don't think rapists look for women and environments which may be easier to rape than others? Wow.

For the record, I find the comment, "She might be a little to close to the topic to look at it objectively." to be at least as offensive as someone who says things like "she was asking for it" or whatever…..seriously, get off your disgusting, high horse.

Her comment had nothing to do with "looking" a certain way.

They are treated "worse" because Americans are forced into the sea without a life vest but armed with the promise that if they swim really hard they will make it to a bigger ship. That's part of how this show works in the first place: find the most hard up people and reward them like God. That's the entire premise of

*sigh*….."working class" isn't analogous to unskilled labor.

Really? Most of the jobs I've seen on the show seem fine. You must be one of those people who believe unskilled labor should make $15 an hour? LMAO.

Most employees in the country, including those on undercover boss, don't make $7.50 an hour. Less than 5% of minimum wage workers (Federal minimum wage) in the US are over 25, full time, and have dependents. That's according to the Department of Labor.

Ummm, why should the entire workforce get a raise? Just because? LOL. Anyway, not all the people on the show are unskilled labor.

LOL. OK, OK. Got me there….I misread my quote.

What absolutes am I speaking? Is saying "a lot of people" an absolute?

So, I linked over to that article- The Mary Sue and read what they had to say on the topic. I wrote that it seems pretentious to state what does or doesn't affect character development when you don't yet know where the character is going….that's it. One sentence and no curse words. I'm now banned from the site.

I'm surprised there's no Beasts of the Southern Wild. It seems like an oversight. I feel that's fairly objective considering some of the others which made the list.

I think it's weird that Beasts of the Southern Wild didn't appear anywhere on this list. It seems like a gross oversight to me….I feel that's a fairly objective statement considering some of the others on this list.

I don't care what your race is. Be as colorful as you want, but it doesn't change the fact that your position sounds like some 20-something graduate from a middling school with a liberal arts degree. I'm not "white" either, but I have an informed and measured approach towards what I term as racist….you clearly don't.

Also, you may perhaps need to consider if the character had been white would the narrative still work? I'd argue most certainly it would have given it's such a small piece of the film and not significant to a grand narrative the film is conveying. Now, since the character ISN'T another race, we can only assume he was

I'm not missing anything. While I admit there is more than enough room for a conversation on this topic, I hardly think it being "racist as fuck" is a tenable position. People who share your beliefs are acting as self-righteous censors, demeaning Mr. Ruiz by claiming to have higher moral authority, and also denying