vermilion point

ah capitalist realism 101: capitalism invented everything, distributed everything and far from being a resource management system from the 17th century, is in fact the reason why you are doing anything more complicated than wiping your arse with leaves.

his mainfesto was long, cogent and while obviously a bit OTT obviously the work of a man with some thought about his deeds.

oh those lot. Yeah it saddens me to see the independent slipping further down the lefty clickbait hole as well. Its not the totality of it though is it? Thats the loony fringe as ever and the right have their crank wing also, we get to see that on newsnight regularly.

I don’t know about that far, brietbart of the left sounds harsh for momentum. They never struck me as that rabid. Utterly dedicated to reworking the labour party from the ground up yeah, but culty weird? I‘ve only heard that sort of thing from ideological enemies of anything vaguely socialist. I don’t read much of the

its the Sun of lefty papers from the ossified old stalinist left, not really indicative of corbynite and momentums soft left social democracy old labourite stuff. Those lot are all about the digital medias anyway. I prefer 2000AD , its the same price and you get Dredd.

Its been called the Morning Star here since 1966.

infant mortality skews the figures tho. It was dire, but if you made it past 16 you had your fair shot at three score years and ten

I wasn’t even going to bother with Thor Ragnarok based on how purely fucking boring Dark World was. But with the positive noises coming from friends and reviwers, I did. I’d say for me its the best Marvel film yet (not seen Panther). Consistently funny.

it was loud but no louder than conventional. They did look gorgeous in a clear sky though

who could have suspected a system of government set up by and for slave owning white supremacist oligarchs could go so horribly horribly wrong eh

a lot of libertarian/anti union/etc crossover in that demographic


some fair points but lets not downplay or forget the historical strands of european antisemitism that played into the genocide attempt. It was more than hitlers personal obsession, western antisemitism was raging and that was the world o hitler. Lets not forget the tsarist pogroms and the black hundreds, the

this Uncle Vlad the Meddler paranoia is the funhouse mirror of the pizzagate stuff. Its just as bonkers. Theres some dirty money, some naive influence peddling and general fiscal bad faith- of those things I am certain. You people are acting like the Great Bear rigged a US election and its quite quite mad

‘vote early, vote often’ as my dear nan used to say.

when carl’s dads wife carked it. The man fell to the dirt writhing and wailing. It was so funny it just broke the show for me and I realised they are all supremely thick unlikeable cunts and really I wanted the zombies to win

one of the more annoying things about trump being in power is that we know he’s a moron who talks shit but because he’s president of the USA everyones supposedly obliged to take his shit seriously and actually discuss it. Rather than laughing in his face.

HS Thompson did his best obit: ‘He was so crooked he needed servants to screw his pants on in the morning’

nixon has cambodia and vietnam on him, thats a few million at least.

mark fisher once wrote that ‘It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism’. And don’t comments show it all the time, there is only the degenerated workers states of maoist or marxist leninist origin. Socialism began with the russian revolution and died with the soviet empire. Capitalist