oh no somebody is doing capitalism in a way we don’t like!
oh no somebody is doing capitalism in a way we don’t like!
I was old enough to be the age group for these. They gave a free packet away with the Beano. Then we had Tazos as well.
its not her as an individual, god knows compared to some of the thrones occupants in the Olden Days thew woman is a saint, hasn’t killed a single relative for starters.
those are very low low prices for quality whisky, here less than 10 pounds won’t buy you a half bottle of cheap shit
‘we’ all you like chum, I’ve met plenty of people who have only the vaguest idea about these things. Of course that doesn’t imply that we should all scurry around crushed by the weight o our ancestral shame, that much is a banal truism. Is anyone asking us to?
a lot of nations remember well the day they beat the british. Yer average brit often doesn’t know that we once invaded that country
The proud right wing tradition of reading Animal Farm as a broad comment on all forms of tyranny continues. Never to be viewed as what it is, an allegory of the failure of the revolution and the rise of a stalin specific to that time, that place. Also never acknowledged: Snowball didn’t rise until after farmer jones…
its dog foghorn rather than dog whistle here
that kirk chap is thick as two short planks ‘duh a woman can’t be against women right’. Fuck me, the gene pool is shallow in kirks family
I preferred Perdido Street Station but Scar is a close second, very close
Its complicated. Currently the leadership is labour left of the old school, but the Parliamentary party is stuffed with blairites , the soft left etc. The membership is now predominately left wing socialists. the National
given that layoffs and ‘restructuring’ are the first things to happen when a company goes down the toilet then yes, genius.
lets just say a GE before then is not totally impossible, brexit is causing stability issues for maybot and co
only carpet bombed the shit out of two of those and backed a coup in another. Failed coup, the one part of the CIA’s ‘fuck latin american democracy’ project that didn’t go to plan
the coldest one: ‘Don’t you see? It was the law’
dresses all in black. Old (for american) money. disturbing will to power themes....
to be honest I was halfway through a huge rant about how I despise the ‘bread and water’ or ‘hang em and flog em’ brigade of people who have such a hard on for ultra punitive carceral regimes and what that says about their innate sadism and worryingly fascist tendencies. But the anger was making me actually wound up…
edit, not today
‘create the impression we’re as hegemon’