just came to post the same- watched it in v young teens and it was the first time a light sort of went ding- thats what racist caricature looks like and thats why its not acceptable.
just came to post the same- watched it in v young teens and it was the first time a light sort of went ding- thats what racist caricature looks like and thats why its not acceptable.
Unabomber had a long and cogent manifesto and actually managed to do harm. The decline of american education writ large here.
yes that’s the logic of bitcoin enthusiasts too... the problem with this one is all the *2pac beat* fake money.
Yes thats an ‘interesting’ view of of the pre and post war aims. Particularly since the general and provable pattern now is that despite glorious claims the free market did not make energy or infrastructure better, outsourcing everything has not been a success and the entire model of thatcherite…
the three day week was introduced by a Tory (conservative) government to conserve energy when the UK was still largely a coal burning nation and the coal miners were on strike. This was what brought down the government of Ted ‘deffo not a pedophile’ Heath. It had nothing to do with the failure of socialist policies.…
the state has the monopoly on violence. Bigger guns, more men, surveillance that can find you quick. Its not a foe that can be defeated by force of arms imo
call me tinfoli hatted by I see housing precarity and healthcare precarity as more then simple money grubbing by parasitical classes, its a control issue to. You’ll eat a lot of shit before you walk away from a job thats keeping your kids healthy.
its been an open agenda by the right, regardless of party, since the 70s- but you know that. So we’re done.
you’ll find at election season both parties sign themselves up as the heroes of the NHS. However conservatives do want to privatise it. Theres simply to much money in it to ignore for them and they are ideologically opposed to the system anyway. You’ll claim otherwise of course, but the evidence is plain for any who…
also fought for seperation between church and state. Yet the religious right are balls deep in government (pence is insane) whereas in merrie england where the queen is head of church AND head of state religion plays little part in the reality of politics.
if you swapped the title Central American Immigrants for Central Intelligence Agents and swap ‘falsely’ for ‘correctly’ it’d be old news #DaleGribble
the germans have spent generations teaching their children about how the evil of the past can never be repeated. They even ban home schooling because they don’t want the spectre of nazism to rise again. In america? statues to the architects of the triangle trade
given that indian health workers from surgeon to GP are usually of the quality to sell their services throughout europe and america, I think its fair to say their medics are world class on the whole. I think the other chap was just doing that ‘india=backwards and poor’ thing people seem to cling to despite it being an…
the last tory government- cameron and osborne at no 1o and 11- redefined the metrics for child poverty to make them look a little sweeter. Granted its still not going to be as bad as places like america and spain.
Macron only won because the alternative was an actual fascist.
Come the glorious day they can be free from the threat of terrorism. Safe within the fucking salt mines they will be calling home for the next 25 years
In any case we did here in britain used to have nationalised major industries from coal to rail to agriculture- shit one time you even had government run pubs. Anyone who looks at history before 1980 can show you britain previously ran a mixed economy (part nationalised, part private)and it was economically viable.
along with the new found green concerns and risible attempts to build a ‘conservative Momentum’ its blatantly trying to soften the image they have with younger voters as fucking evil cunts. But you cannot polish a turd.
its called ‘economic conscription’. Work in the pie factory or at the car wash or go join the military. The social legitimacy it buys as well is not a small thing. ‘Thankyou for your service’ (yuk). Joe the burger flipper or joe the hero who fought for the country and looked fine in a uniform?
the combined forces of Britain and France can project power (admittedly we brits are leaving the EU but we sure as shit aint leaving NATO). France does the hammer, brits do combined arms with an emphasis on sig-int.