vermilion point

yes a burial ground.

everyone knows if you didn’t grow up in the back of a hollar hewing coal with your milk teeth you cannot possibly advocate for socialist fairer society. Thats like, hypocrisy maaaan.

this entire comment thread is full of the sort of cliches and misuderstood notions of socialism that make me facepalm. Its an almost religious thinking, what Mark Fisher calls the ‘Capitalist realism’. Capitalism was always here, even when it wasn’t. It is all there can be now and all their will be’. Totally deluded

oh look you swore. Doesn’t that mean your arguments can be safely dismissed without engaging with the substance. Tut tut. Wash your mouth out.

it also buys into the lie that socialism means nobody will ever innovate or be driven by desire to produce art, or the beauty of engineering. Literally ahistorical nonsense peddled by people who have learned all they know of socialist thought from shitty right wing teachers and a nice feedback loop of punditry and

its also not a mixed economy you are running anyway. Not by a long shot. Even if you did, democratic socialism is always on the backfoot, always under attack by vested interests. In the end its a (well meaning!) attempt to ameliorate the effects of unbridled capitalism. I’m afraid I only see one solution, it has to be

tbf the social democratic post-war compromise in europe has been steadily eroded by the greed of neoliberal capitalism over the last thirty years to the point where we are fighting to keep even our NHS. But yes, it did work. Usually called a ‘mixed economy’

america has never put individual over state, as the Draft for vietnam shows. Which fell heaviest on the poor and POC. South Korea wouldn’t even exist if it were not for american money and american intervention. Please, do try to talk down to me- quote the dictionary or something, that always makes you correct :D

Indian wars

you have the patience of a saint. And we haven’t even got to the argument as to wether the USSR was in fact, as seen by left communists in the modern era, a form of state-capitalism or a deformed workers state :D

is that spence on the left there, looking like bashar al-assad?!

I can remember the Daily Mail many moons ago reporting that Poll Tax protestors (turned into a riot when the police started charging with cavalry) were all proffesional anarchists paid 10 pounds drink money and given a packed lunch. If I’d known Soros was paying so much sweeter than that I’d have emigrated a long time

see this contradicts everything we know about infant and adolescent development. It’s a bold statement to claim that man maketh society as if he stamps his will like a nietzchian superman. Thats before we get to the illusion of choice fallacies- you may think you are driving your brain, its an evolutionary advantage

but, these rational actors don’t live in a vacuum, they live in the society and are shaped by it. I didn’t mention the Jesuits just offhand, very clever people and yet..you can see the flaws here right?

ah see, your key misuderstanding here is a kind of social darwinism where intelligent people naturally thrive and lesser folks do not- with an added dose of heavy individualism. I understand why you think that way, the US is founded on the idea of a meritocracy that was a lie even at its inception. The problem is it

the numbers on vietnam are quietly shoved aside are they not? Everyone thinks Mai Lai was a one off, or the worst of a dozen incidents when it was systematic. Quotas, enemy killed contests with promotions for officers and RnR for men as potential prizes. The mere dead gook’ rule becoming a thing- any gook that runs is

your belief chimes badly with the facts on the ground of soaring income gaps. This is only going to get worse as white collar work at the lower end of the scale becomes mechanised, as it will and is doing. We talk about it as a ‘re-proletarianising’ if you like. Or in simple terms the lower american middle class is

te above is a bad misreading of the histoery. The left was split between actual no joking commies and dilletante social democrats. Now the social democrats had worked with the state to imprison and in some cases kill communists. So working with them was not an option, nor would the social democrats have welcomed any

LBJ and Nixon are to blame for that. All that money wasted losing the war in vietnam.

yes and no. Britain has some of the harshest anti-union laws in western europe, BUT in theory the funding it gives to the Labour Party sees workers interests better represented in the corridors of power. Labour the partywas after all initially supposed to be basically the political wing of the british labour movement.