I read a (uk) story where someone had been eating a KFC 3 piece meal and inside was a pus filled cyst tat exploded hot rotten puss when the person bit into it. Me and the colonel parted ways that day.
I read a (uk) story where someone had been eating a KFC 3 piece meal and inside was a pus filled cyst tat exploded hot rotten puss when the person bit into it. Me and the colonel parted ways that day.
The greek people are paying- have been payng for 10 years while no ‘progressive’ people seemed to notice. Austerity levels that make britains look like a generous regime. And when they democratically elected a government willing to negotiate on their behalf for debt restructure, the ECB put their foot on greece’s…
Voltaire said that before the Holocaust, mind
leaving a jumped up customs union with federal ambitions is not isolationism no matter how many faragist demagouges and our right wing press would like to sell it so. Europe isn’t going anywhere, its people and our people have no shutting down. Its business and political classes however...well where was the solidarity…
“Only one thing could have stopped our movement – if our adversaries had understood its principle and from the first day smashed with the utmost brutality the nucleus of our new movement“- adolf hitler
its a race to the bottom attitude though. Why shouldn’t the workers have better than [insert cheapo supermarket] and one self-catering holiday a year if lucky? At the end of the day the masses who produce the surplus labour value that enable a few to shit in a solid gold toilet.
marx told us it before that.
not just political. There is root and branch stuff needed here. You can’t tame america- or global-capitalism. You can’t cage it. The failure of the post war democracies to stop our working class limited gains from being rolled back to hoovervilles on the horizon and greece being the workhouse of europe while all other…
and chavez was not a dictator to be mentioned in the same conversation as hitlers and stalins as you seem to be doing. We don’t have a free press in britain. D notices, super injunctions and the like. Am I living in a socialist dictatorship now? Believe me, political dissent and ‘free press’ are equally well quashed…
who wouldn’t even be on Amazon Prime if it wasn’t for the fact that drunken oaf and Rent-a-Gob Clarkeson hadn’t shit his bed at the BBC and ruined top gear by racially abusing and then punching a producer in the face cos he couldn’t get a steak dinner. Yes I shall weep for his lost revenue. It was Rose wine he was…
chavez was voted in in free and fir elections. Montored by an international team, all above board. I believe Jimmy Carter was an observer:
anyone who can look at the world, as a whole, and say that everything is fine and the prevailing hegemony is doing a-ok for the vast majority is either a fool, a liar to himself or is blinded by his enviable position at the top quarter of the global pile. And there’s plenty from both sides of the left/right divide who…
I recall being slightly baffled as to why you would stick a cosworth engine in a ford escort. Then someone took me out for a spin in a proper RS Cosworth, (you don’t see many of those these days) and hammered it. I nearly pooed myself.
its because once we had invented computing and won ww2 we handed the tech over with a shudder to those who would make vulgar profit from it *twirls waxed moustache while singing God Save The Queen*
work long enough with heavy machinery and you’ll know they have a tendency to break down at the least welcome time. While machines can and do reduce the need for skilled workers it cannot eliminate them. I once did some work for a fully automated warehouse, it was like something out of terminator, but they still had…
yeah thats not a marxist concept. You are probably confusing it with the labour theory of value which discusses where wealth comes from, value essentially. And someone always has to mine the ore to smelt the metals to make the robots. Someone has to make the sanwiches those guys buy for lunch, someone has to farm the…
they always fall into homilies and simplistic economic reasoning. See upthread someone talking about how poorer people could magically be bettered by learning a trade. Lets forget for a minute the banal idiocy of such homespun wisdom as that- its the 21st century and we live in a globalised economy. In my country we…
note for his example to work he had to rely on a non-product, a service. Really breaks down when apply that logic to basic production and manufacture
I assume you have heard of the labour theory of value? Its a very simple concept. Nobody gets rich without other peoples blood. And yes, I said blood not sweat. Although sweat too. Simply put the suplus labour value of the individual worker is funneled upwards. Its not a difficult concept nor is especially radical.…