vermilion point

shop his face onto the Goblin King from the first Hobbbit film, that would look brilliant

my ideological minset? You seem to be the one that takes issue with distribution of wealth. ‘Free money’ talk and so on. Under our tax credit system you can get tax credits when self employed, should you need them. Its a vastly wasteful system tbh but succesive governments have seen fit to lower corporation tax, keep

if you look at what you have quoted the answer is in there. Hint: last three words. Still, I’m glad you agree it’s a taxpayers subsidy for businesses who are unwilling to pay a living wage.

not to mention tax credits aren’t actually free money- they come from the wider tax income and are then given to individuals in order to subsidize employers who will not pay a living wage- looked at that way the tax credit system here (UK) puts big business cheapskates as the biggest recievers of ‘free money’

and we are I believe about to see the exact same thing play out in France where a widely loathed and discredited Fillon has ended up in place to oppose a no-joke hyperbole fascist (denies it but the party and the politics...) vichy Le Pen. Fron Nationale nearly scraped a win last time but were help back by enough

I think the antics at ascot can compare. Couple of years back was a particularly vintage year with a full scale brawl involving champagne bottles as weapons. An we totally win on the stupid hats front. The stuped hats are talked about more than the race itself

Its good to clash swords with an engaging foe yes. BTW when we had a revolution we killed a king. Charles the first. Shame Cromwell turned out to be such a prick he banned christmas and basically ended up as a complete tyrant who was utterly hated. We live and learn

the interesting thing about how emphatic that ruling is is its potential to open up all sorts of challenges to other uber-style practises and potentially even the nil hour contract which has long been a piss take out of workers and used to circumnavigate rights

tangents. It’s incontrevertable fact that you americans and us english had our socialist movemments stamped out by violent and non judicial force. Simply undeniable. So again the question of who the democracy works for comes to the fore. The tangents as you call them are mentioned to show you exactly why capitalism

‘is to blend elements of many different economic and political systems into a coherent principle that’s worked pretty fucking well for nearly 300 years.’

ah Civil Rights. This is a fascinating book:

the built in mechanisms you describe ameliorate the harshest aspects of capitalism and it is those mechanisms under constant attack and weaker today than any point since pre ww2. Prevention is prefferable to treatment in my eyes

you think telling me bolshevism was a disaster is news? Well thankyou for the update, here was I in my ignorance genuflecting to an ikon of Lenin.

history has shown how attempts to implement change through the ballot box are actively thwarted by extra judicial means, by an existing power structure- in short asking people to read some history and then advocating change by the ballot box makes little sense. If anything a firm grasp of social and political history

seen some odd speculative bits in the Financial Times over the last two years. Key is keeping it universal, citizen wage is another name I’ve read it called. The universality aspect is important cos the minute any benefit becomes means tested its now a target for the ire of people who don’t need it but resent others

that head wobble is the same one I do when scratching my back up against a doorframe with a sharp edge. Ursine solidarity!

if they remade captain planet today it would have to include a power ring of Shame, because it is increasingly clear that these people won’t even pretend to it anymore and trump is the logical extention of trans generational shamelessness.

we are seeing a parralel in Jeremy Corbyn here- this socialist (in the mild mannered beige social democrat labour left mould) won. Biggest party mandate in Labours history. The elected MP’s, all blairite/bownite/spivs mainly have been standing candidates against in leadership challenges- he just won the second

One day we shall have our colony back and we’ll use canada as our staging point. Good day sir.

personally I expect a far less vulgar tone when civil servants communicate with me. They should show some respect and expect it in kind