Lemme see that!

Service animals have every right to be in the passenger area of a plane. A blind person can’t just have a drink or take a pill like any normal sane person. A soldier with ptsd that has an emotional support animal, yeah...exception.

Yeah, that story to me sounded like it was designed to appeal to the forced birther crowd; not the “lets help those addicted to opiates” crowd.

I don’t think Trump is Hitler. He’s more like Mussolini; if Mussolini were incompetent and suffering from pre-dementia.

I feel the same about toddlers but hey I’m out of luck.

So it was more than a little bit jarring to hear no mention of the plight of the woman—who remains on the streets without a lifeline—and instead see journalists and politicians praise the selflessness of the couple,

I was uncomfortable with the way this segment of the speech was presented, and you have articulated it well. For a moment I thought the child’s mother was going to be shown in the gallery as an example of recovery, but instead we are shown some weird support for class warfare. It hurts.

I was horrified by this story. I’m sure stuff was left out, but was she offered counseling, given a place to stay? Offered treatment? Told she could get the child back from social services after treatment? Or did he just say, “well I’ll take your baby.” and ignore the mother’s needs? Addicts need to be given

I would not encourage nor would I discourage someone either.

C’mon, it’s cheaper and more patriotic for the holy-roller evangelicals to steal babies from white women on the street than to import them from dubious missionary orphanages abroad.

Absolutely, the more I think about this anecdote, the more it absolutely fucking INFURIATES me. This was a man in a position of power wielding it to basically steal a child through the threat of executing that power. The man should be thrown off the force, not lauded at the SOTU. What a despicable display of abuse of

Nope. When you claim that God spoke to you, that’s the #1 sign you’re insane. Trump told the world a story about a mentally ill cop who claims God can speak to him.

Does anyone think this was basically blackmail? Given the fact that he was a cop it would be implied like this: “Give me your baby, or I’ll arrest you for shooting up, or wait a while until when I make sure you’re charged with child endangerment, and probably adopt your kid when Child Protective Services takes it from

Not calling your co-worker a bitch isn’t highly respectful. It’s bare minimum.

This again and again and again.

“Those comments were made without having any knowledge I would ever be here”

So it’s cool to say this about a woman only if you aren’t going to meet her/be her cohost??? okay wtf kind of logic is that.

Still haven’t forgiven him for that bullshit whitemansplaining he did to Effie on Project Greenlight.

“Man Apparently Finally Grasps Concept That Has Been Explained To Him For Years: Receives Applause, Plaudits, Worshipful Wreaths”

And also, if forgiveness is going to be given, it is for those who have been wronged to decide to give, not for some onlooker.