Get it from the library.
An Amoxicillin 30-day 500mg supply costs $13 at Walmart, $18 at Walgreens, without insurance.
You can be white and Latina, and black and Latina. We are conflating ethnicity and race.
Jenny’s Wedding is awful. It features Heigl and Alexis Bledel playing a lesbian couple with not zero but negative chemistry.
Considering that an average high school education in the USA is nothing to brag about and that many subjects thta are taught in other education systems (philosophy, psychology, accounting) are never offered or mandatory (I am still baffled that geography per se is not taught—it’s not about capitals!), I wouldn’t…
What is the problem with liberal arts? A liberal arts major has a well-rounded education where critical reading and thinking skills are crucial. I wish more people took subjects like History, Philosophy, and Political Science. We’d have a population that is not as easily deceived by megalomaniac Trump.
That dress is gorgeous. I am not crazy about the wings, but without them, I would wear it (if I had her body). The colors are stunning. I love that intense red. Sex-ay!
I understand your reluctance to deal with this. But if you do need your wheelchair and this happens to you, call the cops if you don’t feel safe. “When a crime is motivated by a person’s physical, intellectual or psychiatric disability, it’s a hate crime.” (Southern Poverty Law Center)
WTF? That’s terrible.
I am with you. “Meh” at best.
The “I am not going to force you” makes it all the more fantastic. That’s a fantastic grandma. You made my day with this video.
“Southern District of New York” is my new favorite phrase. I get all tingly when I hear it. For me, it’s all about “SDNY time!”
Reading list: W. Benjamin, U. Ecco, J. Baudrillard. Ecco’s Hyperreality also speaks to this.
FUCK HIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!!!!! Choke on your Big Mac, trip down the stairs of AF 1, something!!! At this time, I will take Pence. He is a kook but with some decorum. This orange troll is completely unhinged.
It is not up to MIB to forgive. He wasn’t a victim. Geez!
At least they have one. Trump would only get anus cancer.