JawzX2, Boost Addict. 1.6t, 2.7tt, 4.2t

Definitely agree, this is a great deal for anyone jumping in now and the HDR firmware update for current PS4 is excellent news. The people complaining the most (and rightfully so) are those who bought 4K TV’s with next to nothing to show for it. Prices have come down, but there is still hardly any content.

Scorpio specs confirmed? got a link? Or just guesses based on what MS has claimed (because they tell the truth, right?).

I’m sort of surprised by how many people are like “Wireless headphones are the future, man!”, when 1) the sound quality is still SUPER poor on most of them and 2) you have to charge the fuckers all the time. A lot of people listen to music throughout their workday, etc., and 5 hours is not a huge amount of charge.

Do not believe.

This is MX-410. He is canon.

Obviously R2-D2 is a “nameplate edition” R2 unit in commemorative Naboo Blue. He’s number 2 of the D run. Very rare actually, they only produced those for fleet sales to designer-navies on wealthy planets.

So, this is the maritime equivalent of rollin’ coal, right?

Truly, Cruise Ships are the Assholes of the Sea.

Another tried stuffing a golden ball inside a Portal:

The BBC is an international network, they have been since Ye Olde Radio Dayes. What they need to do is just recognize that fact and charge us colonials a fee to use it legally. I would happily throw money at the Beeb every month because I do watch it for more than Top Gear. Hell, now I watch it for everything except

Considering the likelihood the company seems to be making vaporware... I can’t rule that out.

Are you sure the CEO didn’t read your comments and decide to make it his idea?

Ehn, yes friend come here, I have a promising opportunity for you. It is innovation distruptive company. It called “Nikola” like inventor Tesla, you have heard, perhaps? We are building “Megafactory” in Gohbi desert, biggest in world and run on microwave power like SimCity 2000. Face it, these days trucks are too big

Today, the company announced that turbine would actually powered a hydrogen fuel cell

“Why I’ve built electric trucks in New Haverbrook, Ogdenville and Brockway!”

I shall rev my 5 cylinder turbo V70 in honor of this day

“The game didn’t live up to all of the hype, and it shipped with technical issues to boot.” So, basically every game ever made? If you are putting in 30, 40, 50 hours into a game, you bought it, end of story.

Just wrote a piece about the hype and a short review on it myself.

There’s really no *single* person to blame for the whole NMS debacle. You can definitely lay blame at Hello Games’ feet, and Sony for possibly setting up all this overhype, but you can ALSO very accurately blame the fans for hyping this game up to the point people were thinking it was going to resurrect their dead dog

I bought Risen, Two Worlds and Final Fantasy 13... No Man’s Sky is nothing compared to those pieces of sssssst.