JawzX2, Boost Addict. 1.6t, 2.7tt, 4.2t

Hang on, it doesn’t have any wires or anything!

And guarded by the elders of the internet.

And everyone knows it’s on top of Big Ben.

Silly man, this is the internet.

Battleborn is like Barb from Stranger Things. . and Overwatch is Will Byers. . .

Overwatch seems like it would get boring VERY quickly. Same game types over and over, no actual story. Same issues the first Titan Fall had, was fun for awhile then I haven’t touched it in a long time.

So.....we’re just gonna ignore Destiny and the fact that the only reason people like it now is they had to spend $120 on it? How about the fact that Dark Souls 2 was a huge disappointment and From Software flat out lied, then didn’t improve the game until DLC or Scholar of the First Sin? Wanna talk about the fact you

So they promised a space exploration game and they delivered.

It’s perfectly deserved considering that the general posture toward this game is ridiculous amounts of ill-will, entitlement, and flat-out bitching. Disappointed in the game? No problem, you have the right to be. Don’t like the game? Same applies. But the amount of people who seem to have made it their sole mission in

It feels weird to say it, but NMS is almost exactly like I thought it would be. I didn’t want to expect too much, and because of that, I was not at all disappointed. Not that I didn’t want it to be more, but I made a point of not expecting it to be. That said, I have had days where I cannot wait to play and then spend

I keep thinking that this narrative about No Man’s Sky being an “ultimate video game” is completely made up by games journalism in order to have a thing to write about.

Then buy darn tough. They last longer and have a lifetime warranty. When they wear out mail them back and they ship you a new pair.

Then buy darn tough. They last longer and have a lifetime warranty. When they wear out mail them back and they ship

I will say that I have worn through several pairs of smart wool socks. My Darn Tough socks are identical to a brand new pair after more than a year of wear.

I will say that I have worn through several pairs of smart wool socks. My Darn Tough socks are identical to a brand

(This is a great—and tragic—story about a race walker.)

Update (9:53 a.m.): Diniz has just collapsed on the course.

And now he’s going to be disqualified for having the runs.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; in the entirety of Koukaku Kidoutai canon I don’t recall it ever once being stated that Motoko Kusanagi’s full-cyborg prosthetic body is asian in appearance.