I blame the 1994 Dodge Ram for this.
I blame the 1994 Dodge Ram for this.
Tokyo Extreme Racer (Shutokou Highway Battle) on Sega’s Dreamcast. Those were the days (and nights).
Zero 1 (Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3) added even more cars, as well as the cities of Nagoya and Osaka.
how uncanny. I just fired up an emulator and started playing this again over the weekend. I wish there was a modern game that felt like this. The closest there is right now Assetto Corsa and the Shutoko revival mods, but there’s no customization or real stakes attached.
TXR0 had them as well. But yes in both games they were tedious as all hell.
Would excessive speeding like this be reduced if all speed limits were based on some sort of scientifically-based actual safe traveling speed, rather than having areas of arbitrary reduced limits, seemingly for no reason other than revenue generation?
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This is why I said governors should have exempted churches from large gathering restrictions. Just avoid the martyr complex bullshit and skip straight to the martyrdom. Let’s see how many of them really believe in the magic they claim makes them superior.
Adult Swim is in trouble. Their time used to run longer and had many out-of-the-ordinary shows. Now it’s down to 2-4 of anime hours at best with reruns of Family Guy and American Dad acting as filler.
I used to love this show, but the lengthy breaks made it much harder to stay invested in the show. I don’t know that 7 seasons in 16 years was the best formula.
Everyone has neighbors like this... Just completely passive actors now. “EYE DUNNOH!!!”
I hated mall as a kid. But in 2020, with the benefit of manuals and reverts, it’s serviceable with some fun lines ending in gaps to air out. Downhill is just garbage.
As far as the straight path stages go it’s better than Mall.
The lack of action on part of the NYPD after the vehicular assault, as well as the messaging since towards the public and press shows them as what they are: assholes.
I think a key point to remember is the cops did basically nothing after the aggravated assault / attempted murder.
I remember when intelligence agencies put out a warning to Americans that (foreign) terrorists would most likely start using vehicles to commit acts of terror on a much smaller scale in impromptu attacks, I would never have guessed that it would come from fellow Americans.
And to everyone saying “what choice did the…
I love my old Crown Vic(they’ve been decommissioned here for years now).
I came into this a few months ago thinking - there are definitely evil cops, but most of them aren’t so bad. But now: fuck cops.