
I could see this being used in childrens books and DLNA. Kid sits down in front of TV and as they turn and read pages then touch stuff, things happen on the telly and provide visual aid to the reading material... even if it is just "A Cow goes Moooo".

A melting pot of cultures from far and wide... this is why London is the greatest city on earth <3

This is the kind of good-news stories one can start one's day off with; what one mother is willing to do for her child and grandchild. I hope their renewed bond lasts forever cuz it'll sure make for some interesting stories down the generations :D

Look, i'm just glad her "boyfriend" was 12 and not 31-pretending-to-be-12. Because we all know how those kind of "romances" end.

Yaya's... "yayas" notwithstanding, she has incredible costume designers! Fantastic stuff.

Well said. I could never understand why people are so eager to kill the mouse/keyboard combo when, quite frankly, there's nothing out there that's better except the forays into mind-control.

Perhaps a more elucidating comparison would be to find what previously held the record for highest surface area material ever made, and by how much this new metal-organic (and i love that term btw) thingy eclipses that old rec

One you have to take 3 times a day with room temp water? And by God, they didn't make those little fuckers easy to swallow either =/

lol Let's just put these arguments to rest and say it's not the correct or "other" side of driving. It's simply US or UK driving, much the same as spelling in English (where you Merikans like to forget the 'u's and shunt 'z's into everything.. love ya!)

E-ink for sure. In fact i read all of my Temeraire novels on my Kindle keyboard and got into other books thru it as well. My mom is a purist, but she read all the Song of Fire and Ice books via Kindle as well.

In Soviet Russia, Putin group-sexes you!

"Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle" ... sonuva! I just came from like umpteen other castles, WTFUUUUUUU!

I think the ads are a good idea in terms of making back what they spent on the device, but instead of plastering them all across your lock screen, why not make it more subtle and only appear when you turn off, turn on, and maybe have a small morning/evening sponsored tip on the lock-screen about how to make the most

I'm not disputing the transfer rates. I think they're fantastic, superb! But WiFi is only as good as the allotted ISP bandwidth (e.g. 10 Mbps). So whether you have 100 or just 1 person using their Fire HD with MIMO in a room, they're still only going to get 10 Mbps (and that's being theoretical since all ISPs give

Don't think this app is for use with such heavy stress situations. Those require you to either dial 911, or use what your momma gave you; nails, teeth, knees, feet, fists and vocal chords.

Neither. I'd buy an iPad mini!

Not for the average user, and really it depends on what you plan to do with that data. If it's just to check emails and social media then that's plenty. And with such a high prevalence of WiFi everywhere, the 4G data-lite is perfect for those in-between times when you just want to do a bit of chatting and

This one is apparently front lit, with the light following the tiny "nano imprints" that act as light trails for its light source... in essence the light floods the screen to illuminate it from within, without glaring upward to the user's eyes. Neat :D

Ok wait, i know i am missing something critical here... something absolutely vital... so MIMO allows faster WLAN connections? Faster data transfer speeds?