
Let's not forget what a tablet is; a tablet computer. It's what they were when tablets first started out, and it's what they are now. Most tablets (Android and iOS) these days aren't up to spec like the PC or Macbook, but they have speed and smoothness and fast loading times and more efficient battery use!

I know right? It's almost like saying Ferrari cars lag behind Teslas...

I want more too, but not sure what else could possibly happen after final boss :( this game was an absolute treasure to play and, despite all the detractors and haters of the "stolen" combat system (JHC, give it a rest already, remember imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?) and/or the "trying too hard" the

You know, and i know, and we all know that there will be a metal bikini scene, or perchance something similar, if only to make sport of the original one :D

Not sure if that's red hair or blood.. sure looks like blood. And after the Pirates of the Caribbean mermaids, and those strange ridges on the back of this mermaid, i don't think she's the seducin' type.

So... i'm definitely not rolling any female characters because they are just asking for for someone to hit on them. I mean i like the designs and everything, but you know as well as i do that someone is going to blow up about the female proportions in the game hahaha.

Touche lol

Too many people are being merciless with a show that does not have a major studio's backing, budget or army of skilled animators. The little flaws are glaring enough to remind me that this is not a Pixar production, but also remind me that it's made with more love and devotion than those bigger box office farmers.

Thank you, even though i think Roy and Max were better pilots, it basically stands to reason that if you could fly through a freaking missile cloud, you were an awesome pilot.

Came for some form, any form, of Mortal Engines' reference, was severely disappointed!

Tactical RPGs.... *sigh* How i yearn for another (serious) FFTactics or Front Mission

I don't know much about you Bob, but your comments are always good for a read and a laugh, your GIFs are entertaining, and the first time i saw your avatar pic i was sold on your sanity.

*applaud* That. Was hilarious.

I got 4 for you:

I lolled at this one, but then i remembered Icarus' dad used wax, not hot glue >.>

I hear ya, i'm trying to hold out for WildStar but something tells me i may be done with MMORPGs if even that can't hold me.

I promised my friend i would come back and try MoP when they announced the new one. Looks like i have to break a promise because quite frankly this doesn't interest me at all... but i live in hope of more detailed info about the newest expansion, but also live in dread of re-subbing because i cannot even remember how

What is this, a poster for ants? I can barely read anything even when i went to the site and hit magnify... >.>

I hope so Tspack, i enjoyed Korra right up to the last few episodes, and yes i knew about the uncertainty of the future for the show. But i feel that they would have really best served themselves and the fans if they made it with the expectation that there would be a sequel.

Just watching the regular lives of the humdrum civilians within the Walls wouldn't make you think the world was bleak. But just one step outside those walls and you will see your friends, family and eventually yourself get smushed, smashed, crushed, chomped, chewed-in-twain, backhanded into a tree, yo-yo'ed until your