
Bravo, +1

I speak for all WP7/8 users when saying "We are not amused" =_=

Here's a silly question... but what is the cost of operating an anti-cyclone fleet of drones, vs the damage hurricanes do? I did a rough search for Katrina and got $125 billion, while drones cost anywhere from $5-30 million to operate... and when you take into account the loss of life and detriment to the economy,

I think i would legally be allowed to shoot someone if they told me they needed to get the newest octo-core. You're quite right in that our phones will never need all that power because they're still just phones. Instead of multi-coring low-end speeds why not just give us a 3+ GHz single or 2+ GHz multi cores?

But the price! Let's hear some info on price points because we all know the 920 is now supposed to be the flagship that will go toe-to-toe with the One X, Galaxy S3 and the iPhone 5... speaking of which, what sort of dual core processor is it running i wonder that can compete with Android's quad-cores? Krait?

I suppose they're going by the old "if it ain't broke" adage. Not surpised though; Apple continues to roll out excellence encased in more-of-the-same-casings, and customers eat it up like it was a new flavour of Nutella.

+1 For Science!

$249 is definitely a steal. I would seriously think about getting one even if they copied the 7-inch design from Samsung/Amazon/whoeverthef***cares...

Sorry, it doesn't count if you don't yell out "Stand back! I'm going to try science!"

I just want a front-lit Kindle touch/regular. Even today i'm going to give my 2nd gen Kindle to a friend going away and i'll manage with eBook on my tablet til i see a Kindle front-lit or take my arse over to B&N's front-lit nook.

Freedom man! The Kindle fire is a cut-rate tablet that's tied to the Amazon system, which is why it's so cheap, but for me to even blink at the Fire it would have to have 2GB RAM ~and~ quad core processor (or one of them dual core Krait CPUs that people are freaking out over).

Oh i has a Lumia 710 so... *cough* not as cutting edge as i would like to believe, but it works loverly, it do ^.^

Pfft whatever! Forget all this app talk nonsense, where's our 7.8 upgrade? Someone us want the (illusion) of having a cutting edge phone to forget the horrible betrayal that was swept under the collective carpet of people's memories just the other day :3

I do understand the "desolate place" description to some extent, but i would hardly call it a ghost town! I've already loaded mine with all the apps i would normally use, plus some decent games and am loving the experience (and, let's be honest, most of us regularly use less than 25% of the apps we have).

Dude, what the hell are you smoking? A manned trip would never get close enough to the sun what with all the Recurring Oracle Fast-Laser stations that were setup in 2010 (as per http://www.oracle.com/us/sun/index.htm).

I think they will drop it after two more expansions. They still have (to coin a term i discovered here) a metric fuckton of content to explore via the Emerald Dream. Two major baddies still remain as well; Azshara and Sargeras (if i'm wrong in my lore please correct me!) who is the ultimate bastard responsible for the

I loved the trailer too, especially the screenshot you posted. Alas, i will never return to WoW. I thin Cata sealed my lack of interest in "more-of-the-same". It was a good ride from late-Vanilla to Cata, but this ultra-casual gamer is trying TERA, maybe GW2 (or Wildstar if it ever comes out good), then shifting back

What's so wrong with keeping abreast of the latest technologies through hands-on research? Honestly! *tut, tuts*

Y.. yes it is! WTF man, i don't need those mental images in my mind now at the beginning of a work dong... DAY, i meant day.

... *stops breathing*