Love this! Can’t wait!
Love this! Can’t wait!
This article is for somebody who’s never been sued by a parent before. Schools don’t want to be held liable for any eye damage. Science has proven that you can damage your vision while looking at the visible Corona or else they wouldn’t be giving advice on how to look at the eclipse safely...
Wow! So even privelaged white women who are famous and well off are still ignorant to their own innate racism....
I’m really sorry. This is just such a terrible position to be in.
Thank you! This is awesome! It brings me hope to hear your words. 😺
I don’t really care for homework since I’d finish it at school before I got home, but I think homework is redundant since parents can’t help their kids with it. I still think homework is necessary and more useful than testing all the time, but reduction would be better.
Crazy to think that all those right-wing crazy conservatives who worship the 2nd Amendment would be OK with a dictator when the whole point of the 2nd Amendment is to bear arms to prevent another King taking over America...
Doesn’t really seem worth it.
By your stupid comment alone then plumbers, construction workers, miners, and those poor folks working at Foxconn in China would be the richest people in the world. Talk about hard work. As a teacher I’d be rolling in cash.
I’m glad an event like this is happening but your title is misleading at best. It downplays the seriousness of climate change and makes it sound like we shouldn’t worry because somebody else in the future will take care of it.
If an elected official switches parties they must step down as they no longer fill the role of their elected position based upon the actual voters who voted them in.
I’m more annoyed with the constant plot of:
Boohoo! The white woman got asked her immigration status! They do worse to people who actually have to worry who are American Citizens.
You start off talking about Corvettes and all these guys want to do is discuss Hondas. What a waste.
Sounds like the college loan business...
Just skipped to the bottom to say many things can kill you. Especially if in excess. So enjoy while you can.
Pay no attention to this fool. They are still investigating and there’s is more information leaking all the time.
Rio Bravo actually straddles the border on the Rio Grande River in the Rio Grande Valley. There’s a Mexico town and a Texas town. There’s also Rio Grande City.
Well duh!
I am literally so sick of people moving to Austin! Especially these idiots who move downtown and expect the music to stop.