Jatta Pake

And we continue Gawker media’s cis raced obsession with insulting and degrading trans people. Gawker even equates Dolezal with the shooter of the South Carolina massacre in another recent article.

The more cis bigots try to tear down Dolezal, the more famous and heroic she becomes. She is exposing the hypocrisy of cis bigotry.

Oh, so now cis bigots are bringing up transgender. Yesterday, Gawker had a panic attack whenever someone mentioned Caitlyn Jenner. Now they are trying to say a trans person is hurting trans people. Cis raced bigotry has no limits.

Who made you God? Why are trans people denied agency because of your cis bigotry?

Fun fact: Phylicia Rashad grew up wealthy and cis raced. Phylicia Rashad used her blackness to enrich herself as an actress. She was in a sorority in college and never led the NAACP. She married rich and has stayed rich her entire life.

You forgot to slur LGBTQ+ people too. They also don't dress cis.

Not a surprise that cis bigots have a low GPA, really...

Making fun of transgendered people is bigotry.

Congrats on being cis raced. I'm sure you can speak at length on the issues facing trans people. Sarcasm.

I'm sure you call transgender people the f-word too. Pick up a book and educate yourself on blackface. It's supremely insulting to diminish the harm caused by blackface by equating it to tanning.

Dolezal is face crushing the cis raced bigots.

Can someone explain to TayTay that white people were slaves too?

As a parent of four adopted special needs children, I agree completely. Struggle is a soft euphemism. I prefer to think of it as warfare. War against ignorance. Against hatred. Against the scars of abuse and neglect (ever wonder what actual starvation, cigarette burns, and rape does to a child long term? I know).

I have four adopted special needs children. I applaud your decision. People who have never adopted have zero concept of the struggles families like mine face. I’m not against adoption at all and I don’t regret our decision. But it isn’t for everyone. Knowing that is important.

Cisracists can’t stand Dolezal because she threatens them in the Oppression Olympics. Dave Chappell considers her Black and acknowledges the nuances of transracial issues. The reason so many people get angry at the Caitlyn Jenner comparison is because they have no logical argument that defends Caitlyn but condemns

I’m not a troll but I’m happy to stay in the gray for advocating tolerance. I know the reason I am in the gray - when logic and rationality cannot be countered, shut down the speaker. It is a tactic used by all agenda driven media organizations. Fox News shuts down any guest who does not repeat the party line. So does

Amazing how you can read minds. You can know a person’s motivation purely on their racial identity. Fascinating.

This is 100% true.

It’s shameful how people on this site will dox and harass people based on identity. This website is no different from Stormfront or other racist sites.

Pretend? There is no evidence Dolezal is pretending. She is Black. That is her identity. Is Caitlyn Jenner pretending to be a woman?