
In for before for they fix the typo in the headline. For. 

Go fuck yourself.

So, here are you options, troll. Find your bridge and 1. crawl beneath it and never come out, again 2. or jump from its pier. Your choice.

Third option: round up and airdrop every trumpanzee onto the great Pacific garbage patch, where you can found your own shithole country.

You have to be monumentally gullible to believe the fence is going to protect shit.

Agreed. At this point, it CANNOT be saving money when you consider the amount of time and resources that have gone into fixing/preventing/investigating issues surrounding the election. Just use paper and pen and people with eyes who can count.

What the fuck kinda truth are you getting from a guy who raves about aliens and how the government is secretly controlling the weather? How the fuck do you not see that he just pushes crazy shit because idiots like you eat it up and he gets rich off of straight up conning people and preying on their paranoia and fear?

Many of things CNN report are pretty accurate, EVERYTHING info wars reports are wild, made up conspiracy theories. Are you incapable of understanding that or has weasel (fox) news poisoned your brain beyond repair?

False equivalence alert.

CNN at least aims for a target and hits more often than it misses. Alex Jones aims for his foot.

Kill yourself. Do it, ya pussy. Coward.

I just binged Universe a couple of weeks ago. Not so bad as I remembered.

Universe was still pretty good imo.

That’d work nicely.

Uhhh no. Farscape wishes it was SG1. Farscape is the Phantom Menace to SG1s Empire Strikes Back

As someone who greatly enjoyed Universe, i think there is room for that style to exist as well.

I disagree. I’d love to see a 3rd season of Stargate Universe. It had all sorts of faults, but it seemed like it was finally starting to come together into something interesting there at the end. As it is, it feels like if they had canceled Marvel’s Agents of Shield towards the end of Season 1, right as it started

One word: Stargate

Pretty sure you’ve stumbled into this site by mistake - this isn’t Stormfront or Hypocritical Baptist Cunts or whichever hate site you normally frequent.

2017 says go fuck yourself.