
Ive been turning off the AC when overnight temperature is set to drop into the ‘60s. I open every window in the house and when I get up in the morning my house is usually at parity with the outside temperature. So if it’s 65 out the inside of the house is roughly 65 as well. If I then close all the windows up when I

Ha! I e-filed Feb 11th and have received no notice. I have since called 4 times and spoken with 4 different people all who have told me to give them 30 days and I should get my return... Still processing almost 6 months later.

Poppers, Mr Garrison’s drug of choice 

Most sizes and colors are sold out

I’ve been growing apart from Facebook for most of the year now. With scandal after scandal it’s clear they don’t care. I deleted my Instagram, removed the app from my phone and only check their website on my computer on occasion. With no real alternative I’ve been posting on #Vero and actually have a few friends who