Jason Shephard

He remained true to his character, and went out fighting like the true badass he is, fighting the good fight to protect good people.

Just a shout out to the whole idea of having the wonderful Amy Acker as the Machine, watching us humans die and learning about us in our final moments (because, seriously, who else could do that apart from a Machine God?), and the hand on Reese's shoulder as he prepares for his end, and her conversation with her

I know, rare isn't it?


Sure. Everyone dies alone. But if you mean something to someone, if you
help someone, or love someone. If even a single person remembers you.
Then maybe, you never really die at all.

So…..Queen in the North?

Wwwhho let the dogs out?
Sa…Sansa Stark!

When an episode features Emilia Clarke saying Dracarys, you know its going to be a B+, at worse.

"Tell your people what happened here. Tell them you lived by the grace of her majesty. Remind them what happened when Daenerys Stormborn came to Meereen, armed with 40% of a Episode Nine budget."

I'm beginning to suspect that Fusco is the only human being that is going to survive the show.

I think Bear is going to need a hug, real soon. Root loved that dog and that dog loved Root.

4+ years of doing the right thing and what has he has to show for it? Lives lost, friends and loved ones taken from him.

The day the gloves came off.

My first thoughts after watching that:

Boss: Why aren't you at work yet?!
Me: What? My TIME REMNANT isn't there yet?!

That was great. Better than last week's episode which was……great.

Good finale. While I'm disappointed at the loss of Agent Carter, and the now pointless loss of Hunter and Bobbi, Agents of Shield appears to be going from strength to strength.

I somewhat imagined that the Battle of the AIs would be in some kind of chat room:

Damn, that ending was brutal.

"Soap opera isn’t my favorite look for Person Of Interest, but the
show may have gone a little bit over the top with the sex scene in order
to temporarily distract the audience from the underlying tension
surrounding Shaw’s return."