Jason Shephard

You’re not going to serve. You’re going to die.

Great episode but……who is gonna deliver all the killer lines now on a regular basis?

I had to rewind that bit just to make sure I heard that right.

Felicity Smoak: 9th of her name, Bitch with Wi-Fi, Destroyer of Havenrock.

"On the bright side Felicity, you saved a couple of million people!"

Get outta here with your facts!

Game of Thrones Flashbacks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arrow Flashbacks.

"Luna, I am the COMMANDER OF DEATH, I COMMAND YOU TO TAKE THIS FLAME AND…..Why is everything spinning? ……agh……THAT HURTS!!!"

Oh Thea, didn't you watch Star Trek?

When all of this is over, Daisy is sure going to be busy saying sorry to everyone.


I'm just wondering (like Harold) if the machine that went into the suitcase is the same machine that was decompressed out of it?

Yeah, the PS3/Cell stuff was right on the money (and I say that as an Xbox guy). Root was doing her nerd talk to Resse and I was sitting there nodding and thinking "yep, these writers know their stuff."

You can just call me Root, bitch.

Gotta love Zoom's appearance at the wash-up meeting for the Restore Flash project.

The Lord Commander Awakens.

From teenage girl locked up on a space station to COMMANDER OF DEATH!

Yay! Its Doctor Bashir again! Can't wait to see what he does this seas-HOLY SHIT!


Dear 100,