Jason Shephard

Really liked that reveal at the end. I didn't see that coming.

Clarke: "I'm pleased to announce that Pike has been handled over to Grounder Authorities."

When Octavia handled out the most deserved ass-kicking of the season, I was tempted to cheer on every kick and every punch.

It wasn't that long ago that I joked about the 'security' of the Arrow Lair and that Merlin would joke about it.

She's dead Jim (in this universe anyway):

I was thinking there would be a redirect and didn't get one (with Thea being the true victim in the coffin box). But still, I was fighting off tears when Laure's dad just slumped to the floor.

I know exactly what Malick saw - his daughter telling him "I'm pregnant! Hivey is going to be a wonderful daddy!"

Oliver: Supergirl, welcome to our lair!

Small but nice touch - Barry actually checked the perimeter before charging in. Thank you Mr. Queen for teaching him that lesson - via 2 arrows in Barry's back I recall.

Jeremiah Danvers was disarmed. By a snake.

"Well, that's all we have time for on National City News, good nigh….BREAKING NEWS! BREAKING NEWS! Supergirl has been seen buying and wearing a mini skirt and our sources say that she looks hot and evil! The Mayor has ordered all citizens to initiate Evacuation Plan Omega immediately!"

LOL, I watched that and I thought "man, I've seen this before!"

Loved the repercussions of Kara going red. National City is scared of her, James is worried about her inner rage, Hank has been outed, Assistant #1 has been sacked and Alex and Kara are in need of a good chat. The only thing that Kara didn't nuke was the city and in time, she would have gotten around to that.

I was just glad Pike didn't shoot Gaeta-I mean Sinclair, in the leg.

"Its not really that hard choosing what's best for your people, it is?"

Raven: "My first kiss…..I don't remember it! I don't remember any of it!!"

The Raven Awakens.

Oh, and Cronos is like one of those NPC characters in your video games. He spawns at a location and causes trouble. I LOLed at the way he spawned inside the ship in double-quick time.

I…..enjoyed that, flaws and all. Even Savage was mildly threatening this week.