Jason Shephard

Always fun to see Regina in Evil Queen mode (default factory settings).

I hope we get a Season 3, but I doubt it.

There's a service pack being released any day now.

So, I'm thinking - voting - for Clarke to be the new Commander. Somehow. I was half expecting Titus to ram that AI chip down Clarke's throat seconds after removing it from Lexa's neck.

Time pirates?! I was LOL hard at that, how does that work then?

Best episode yet.

I'd love to see a Octavia-Indra spin-off series. Those 2 just roaming around, fighting the good fight, kicking ass and taking names, with Indra repeatably telling Octavia to "stay here!" before a big fight scene and Octavia just LOL in Indra's face.

That was some quality television.

"May you live forever."

"You know what I want?"
"To watch everything burn."
"Touch me again, and you'll be the one who burns."

Roy Harper: "So, Palmer got beaten up?"
Mick: "Yeah."
Roy Harper: "Did he bleed?"
Mick: "Yeah."
Roy Harper: "Good. That little shit zapped me last year. Since then I get a headache every time I go for a piss."

I loved Pike's unease about that conversation.

"Blood must not have Blood."

Darhk: "Hello, daughter, this is William. His mum is dead…..tired, so we're going to take care of him……and his dad."

I'm betting its Apophis.

Would you celebrate victory facing a vortex?

OK, gonna have to watch this series again. Good stuff. With the best SFX I've seen from this network by far.

Lexa's Outlook Diary:

Dear Diary,

I thought Bellamy was in on some plan to expose Pike and the rest of the troublemakers, so…I was surprised that wasn't the case. That plot moved so fast I got whiplash: