Jason Shephard

For me this was the best episode yet.

Might as well reveal Zoom as Tony Todd:

Yeah, everyone knew about Killer Frost, but evil-alt-Cisco? Nice!

Good point. Boy, is he and the rest of SkyCrew in for a treat when Lexa introduces them to Grounder Spiced Chicken with Ice Nation Rice.

Dear Diary,

Commander of Death
Mountain Slayer
Wife of Lexa (but Clarke doesn't know this….yet).

When I saw that I was thinking "who is this pod person?! Have Ice Nation kidnapped the real Indra?!?"

"Tastes like chicken!"

Damn, talk about escalation! War is coming! Lexa delivering messages via express drop-post! Clarke and Lexa bending the knee to each other! Great location reveal for the assassin ("Wut? He's in Mount Weather?! Shit's gonna get real!!!") and I have to say, Clake looked ravishing with her latest grounder-look.

But that was damn fine soup!!

The Nyssa Awakens.

Roy: "What about the time Atom-Guy zapped me and you left me for dead?"
Ollie: "When did that happen?"

So…..did Iris watch some of the Fast and Furious films before dressing up to watch Wally race?

DO YOU WISH TO SPEAK, Acting Ensign Wesley Crusher?!?

Dear Diary,

Been looking forward to the Clarke-Lexa reunion, and when it arrived it was everything I'd hoped for. I loved Clarke's simmering look of hatred before she shared some spit and words with her betrayer.

Christ Cisco, you forgot to tell Reserve-Flash Barry's name, address, email address and Xbox Live gamertag. You told him everything else.

I really hope that Vandal Savage gets some entertaining minions (and not just thug-of-the-week), otherwise this quest to capture him could get a bit boring.

Dear Diary,

I thought it would taste like Chicken?