Jason Shephard

Voyager flat out refused to take advantage of its premise 99% of the time. When it did, we got gems like Scorpion Part 1. But in the end it became the Janeway-Seven-Doctor show and the finale IMO was a mess.

Trek is back, baby!!! …I shouldn't get too excited because this show could crash and burn and be another Voyager, but for now I have hope. And a Joker-style smile on my face.

Thea's soul was saved 0 times in this episode.

"As Mayor, you may ask 'Why am I qualified to save this City?'"

"By orders of the Watcher's Council, I'm taking you back to England to face their judgement."


**Jemma demands that the Sun appears:**

The Jemma Diaries:

The League of Assassins: Providing security for STAR Labs and Mercury Labs since 2012.

Impressed by the episode, and that phone battery. The image of Fitz must be burnt into that phone's display by now.

Oh, and:

"You're my daughter, I will do anything for you - even ordering my Level 1 Guards to fight against you in order to start your killing spree. Kill well Thea, and remember, kill often!"

I'd love to see Wells just walk into Star Labs as if he owned the place, just to see the panicked reactons of Team Flash.

How to get away with Earth-2 Murder.

No longer everyone is leaving the city - all the police officers are dead! They're becoming the red shirts of the show, along with the Mayors (sorry Jeri Ryan!).

So, how do we know that Simmons IS Simmons?

So, is Margaery still alive? Is she still in her cell?

"Do you know who I am? I can't hear you. You know who I am. I'm Ayra Stark. Do you know who you are? You're no-one. You're nothing."


Davos: "My Lord, I have come from the Wall-"