Jason Shephard

With some of her comments about Meereen before the Sons attack, I'm wondering if Dany is seriously considering taking off (she's just done that) and nuking Meereen from orbit. It could be the only way to be sure. She's learned the hard way that Meereen can't be ruled Westros-style.

Dany has just buggered off and left 2 of her kids in prison and her advisers in the midst of an angry mob, her numbers will take a hit.


I liked the Dorne stuff this week, there was plenty of good humour to be found there and boy did we need it:


Oh Stannis. Stannis Stannis Stannis. My man-crush on you is over. The execution of Shireen was like seeing a horrible slow-motion car crash minutes before it happens and being powerless to stop it happening.

That moment when you realise your enemy becomes stronger every time they kill one of you.

I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit with dragon-glass.

"I don't need an army. I need 20 good men."

From all the Dany-Tyrion scenes, to the Queen Mother sucking water off the floor, to 'Lana' working for the Faceless God. I loved this episode.

I was thinking Episode 9 is where the shit goes down.

So, who exactly is running the show in Kings Landing now?

It did look very good on Dany.

Tywin must be spinning in his grave with what his daughter has done to his house.

Tyrion's mind. Dany's dragons. On paper that's a great combo but this is Westros so its (probably) going to turn to shit. Hopefully someone can stop Dany from turning Tyrion into hot dragon food and explain to her the benefits of such an alliance.

If I was Jamie, I wouldn't return to Kings Landing. The welcome he'd receive from those now running the place would be….harsh.

None of this shit would be happening under Joff's watch.

Lena Headey does great work on this show. From Cersei's honest love for her son, to her smug prison visit to Margaery, to her 'oh shit' realization that she too would be joining Margaery in prison.

Central FM: "Mr. Flash, thanks for saving left of the city - 4 houses, 2 cats, a chicken dinner takeaway and of course, Central FM - but the public demands answers! Who exactly is responsible for the latest wrath of Star Labs destruction?!!!?"

Remember how mad the citizens of Central City were with Star Labs after the partial accelerator explosion?