Jason Shephard

Oliver Queen: "Its been a hard year, Barry. One of my ex-girlfriends was killed, but I worked with her true killer to save my sister's soul. After being kicked off a cliff, becoming Heir to the Demon and pretending to betray my friends, I saved the City and got the girl. I became someone else, something else."

I didn't think Season 1 of a guy who can run really fast would be this good, and end with a finale as solid as that.

I don't believe I'm typing this, but I'm starting to miss Joffrey.

I heard that and I was thinking "Cock merchant? That's actually a thing now?!?"

"Oh for fuck's sake!"

So, Merlin unleashes havoc throughout the season, kills Sarah via a drugged Thea, sends Ollie up a cliff to get kicked off it by Ra……and he still lands on his feet with the Ra Jackpot prize with a fuming Nyssa promising payback before she bends the knee before him?

When Wells was preparing to fight Flash-Arrow-Firestorm, I thought 'that's a good way to end this episode'. I was surprised when the fight actually happened because the episode felt packed enough at that point.

I….enjoyed that. A lot. I loved the misdirection with Jiaying throughout the season. All this time we thought she was the better of Skye's parents and that Cal was the monster. I guess being ripped apart by HYDRA will send you nutty and full of rage.

Well….looks like the writers won't be wasting any time next season. PoI renewed but only for 13 episodes. A crappy way to start the day learning about that. Assuming Season 5 is the last then its probably too soon for Shaw's return.

Credit to the writers for not playing it safe, in a season which made the Charmings self-righteous baby-nappers and ended with the Saviour going dark after all, but for good reason.

Good episode. Stannis is correcting grammar and learning lessons from the Sam the Whitewalker Slayer. Jorah's Watch has almost ended, and Dany finally feeds her dragons some hot food:

Wasn't there a line he said about how he knew what HYDRA did to her?

Well pleased about Agent Carter. Fantastic show worthy of more seasons.

My name is 'the guy who claims Oliver Queen is dead, but who is actually conning the Demon'. I have lost my mother, my company and my friends. Kidnapping their wives kinda does that. Still, I saved their lives by swapping the virus for the sleeping gas…..I hope. Shit, I better check!"

Damn Ollie, couldn't you be on the Dark Side for a little longer? Still, that 4th act action scene was great. Ray's impersonation of a missile was the highlight.

Her warning about not letting Jiaying meet SHIELD carry extra weight on a 2nd viewing.

Jiaying hasn't thought this through has she?

Wells: "Hey, Eddie? You're useless. Worthless. History looks at you and says 'loser!'. You achieve fuck all, accomplish even less and your girlfriend dumps you due to the stench of failure coming off you."

Oh, and I really liked the wide angle camera shots in this episode. Good directing.

Not really into the comics so I wasn't that excited to see The Flash vs. a well rendered CGI Telepathic Gorilla. Still, it was entertaining and I approve of Cailtin's taste in leather skirts.