Jason Shephard

Begin Diary Entry,

I suspected that with the last shot of last week's episode, the Machine was literally all over the US. But still, the powerline/distributed resources explanation for the Machine's location was genius and oddly makes me appreciate my 500Mb Powerline Adapters even more. I should check them for signs of Machine Activity.

Good, tense episode. I suspected the shit was going to hit the fan at some point but I didn't expect Jiaying to hit Gonzales with a Terrigen crystal.

I'd piss myself laughing if it was Ned Stark.

Its almost as if he was thinking "people usually bend the knee instead of hugging me!"

LOL, I've got some work to do then!

Oh I'm well aware he's done bad things. But then so has nearly everyone else in this show.

If only Dany had 3 well trained, well fed dragons to provide air-support in future engagements vs The Sons of the Harpy.

I think the Unsullied were trained by the League of Assassins.

So…you don't like him then?

"You are the Princess Shireen of House Baratheon and you are my daughter."

She's not in a position to do anything about those threats.

I see it as us finding out more about her character. Ward was a good guy early on until we found out what kind of person he really was.

Oliver: "Nyssa, I love you unconditionally and without hesitation. I vow to love you, encourage you, trust you, and respect you. Even if you get sloppy with your arrow shots which could and will be improved! As a family, we will create a home filled with learning, laughter, compassion, arrows and a WiFi network so

Ra wants Ollie to erase all links to the past. Including his City.

I did joke last week about Ollie overseeing construction of new runways at Nanda Parbat International and a new underground station.

When his daughter wanted to battle against the Heir to the Demon, Malcolm gave her a bow and a new outfit. What more do you want from The Father of the Year?

Diggle: "There's nothing Ra would do to make Oliver turn against the people he loves!"
Lyla: "Honey, Oliver has kidnapped me!"

Jemma's darkness has been there for a while now. As Friz said a while ago to her, "Skye's changed. I've changed. You know what the scariest change is Jemma? You." Look at all the anti-inhuman talk from her before she realised that Skye was one of them.

Please god no.