Jason Shephard

Agreed but they were never going to do a whole episode featuring The Deconstruction of Oliver Queen. Shame really.

"My name was Oliver Queen. He is forgotten. My name is Al Sah-him. Heir to the Demon. Bringer of Justice. Forthcoming Destroyer of Starling City. And soon to be husband to the smoking-hot Daughter of the Demon! Have you seen her? Seriously? Damn, life is good in the League! My bride seems upset at our forthcoming

Bride of the Demon?!!?

I never really understood all the Laurel hate to be honest.

I found it interesting that the final shot of the episode was Samaritan's initial map of the Machine's location: The entire United States.

Maybe its just me, but lately B+ is the new A on AV Club.

The Machine's location is probably a Raspberry pi 2 card buried under Bear's skin.

Oh, and Agent Soccer-Mom vs Control was great:

Nice touch that The Correction is on the same day when the next episode of this fantastic show is on (in Europe anyway). Also nice to see Root correcting Martine's neck ache.

Was I the only one who thought at first that is was May mowing through those HYDRA agents? I was pleasantly surprised so see it was actually Skye in action, and how! All of that May/Ward training has paid off.

What an episode. All the cards are off the table, all bets are off and hell, Iris now knows the truth!

Superb episode, and an efficient one too. Not a wasted moment in any scene. Throwbacks galore to earlier seasons all over the place. Moments of concern (be careful, Sansa) to joy (take that, Janos!) to LOL! (Tyrion was gold as usual).

"My name is Oliver Queen Al Sah-him. Heir to the Demon. Former member of Team Arrow. Future leader of the League. My first duty is to expand Nanda Parbat International Airport. Two runways simply aren't enough. And the construction work for the Nanda Parbat Metro Station has been delayed again. My Master says this is


Laurel: "So how was your day?"

Felicity: "Let my true love go or I'll wage WAR on you with the armies at my command!"

If was Oliver, I'd be begging Diggle to stay to train these guys.

That was……different.

Everyone is more fun within 10 yards of Cisco.

I'm sure she does on some level, there was a episode where she launched an invasion into Barry's personal bubble at Star Labs as if she was going to kiss him (it was the one where a meta human was inside Star Labs trying to kill everyone).