Jason Shephard

Good episode, a bit crowded but in a good way. I was surprised that Ward accepted Coulson's mind-wipe offer (and was thinking that this could open the door for him to sow up in the spin-off), but then 'Skye' was mentioned and….enjoy him while you can, Agent 33.

Laurel: "Cisco! That sonic cry device needs a firmware update! Can you help?"

This was all set-up, but very good set up.

Yeah, the MCU is a great template. I think the reason JJ left Trek was because with parts of the franchise having different owners, it was harder to create a joined universe. Bloody shame because the possibilities are endless.

That story about the 'shadow killer' is just anti Stannis propaganda. :-)

First I've heard about this. I won't be holding my breath.

It could be worse, I say that as a Star Trek fan. No new series in sight for that franchise whatsoever.

I've recently realised (as an non comic book fan) just how much of Marvel's TV/Movie output I'm enjoying, so I haven't got a negative reaction to this news.

Its not about the destination, its about the urm, journey. To the front door.

Its unfortunate because at the end of the day, Stannis has the one true legit claim to the Iron Throne, and he's the only one of the major players doing anything about the Whitewalker threat.

Stannis needs a PR team. Badly. If he had one he would be King already.

"That's Jamie fucking Lannister!"

2 episodes hardly featuring Merlin. Both of which have been great.

You're right. Plus Daredevil's running time per episode is around 50 to 55 minutes, you can do a lot with that extra time.

The finale is called:

The last couple of episodes have been game-changers, Based on what the showrunners are saying, it won't be business as usual for Team Arrow. And rightly so, even the Arrow Lair was 'outed' this week (did Ollie mention something about a backup lair?)


"My name is Oliver Queen. Today I said goodbye to a friend. He's smart, loyal and capable. I'd be honoured if my sister married him. He was untrained when I met him, but his skills have improved greatly."

Only if Diggle is promoted into the League as well.

Roy: "Thanks…for leaving me to die after Ray zapped me."
Ollie: "Thanks…for letting me use your ankle as target practice once."