Jason Shephard

Between last week and this, I wouldn't blame Team Flash for thinking "shit, Ollie IS a murderer! Its all over the news!"

"Hi, is this Thea Queen? ……Hi, this is Starling City Hospital. We have a patient here with burns from being electrocuted and we've heard you're pretty good at healing those type of burns via sex……yes…..yes, we want you to have sex with our patient, would 2pm be OK?…….hello? Hello? Miss Queen are you still there?"

"I love your family."

"My name is Oliver Queen and HOLY SHIT EVERYONE IS HUNTING ME! Thanks a lot, Demon's Head! Captain Lance has advised me - painfully - to STFU until the guy who l left in the gutter after being zapped last week does a Spartacus."

Arrow: The Dark Knight

I hope - in some way - that Tom Cavanagh remains part of the cast for Season 2. Now we know that Wells is NotWells, the thought of Cavanagh's potential departure (via Thawne's incoming defeat?) saddens me.

Gonzales: "We watched you Coulson, as you made one screw-up after another! Hundreds of us watched from our state-of-the-art aircraft carrier and were sickened by the actions of your merry band of agents, who followed a comprised leader who had blue alien blood injected into him!"

"She's been dead for centuries."

This episode could just have been Adrianne Palicki kicking ass all night and I still would have given it an A.

I'm not into the comics, I approach The Flash and Arrow from a purely entertainment view - so from that point-of-view, let me say this:

Ragnar's eye-then-body roll, LOL!

All jokes aside (god-damn you Arrow, you just make it too easy at times), I think this should have been a 2-parter. The Deadshot stuff in particular needed more time then it got. I'm sorry to see him go.

At this rate the season will end with Ollie being chased out of the City by cops and dogs, and Diggie will do a voiceover, "He has to run, because he can, he's the Dark Arrow."

Half of the TV I've watched has probably been filmed on that set.

Thea: "OhMyGod! I heard what happened, is Roy OK?"
Oliver: "………..who?"
Thea: "Roy!! Where is he? What did the hospital say?"
Oliver: [Blank Look]
Thea: "Roy!! Arsenal!"
Oliver: "………don't…..they play football…..in England?"
Thea: "[Sighs] If we find Roy we can save my soul."

I look at the photo for this review and I just think Palmer is saying "no, no, you don't have to bow before me Ollie."


"My name is Oliver Queen and man, who the hell let Stark Tech into my City? Palmer got a Iron Man suit! He must have brought it on eBay or something because the power conduit thingy was flashing and screaming SHOOT MEEE! Unlike Palmer, I know how to protect this city and my team, right Roy? …….Roy???"

Talbot: I afraid this can only end one way. You've got to kill RealSHIELD.

I loved Purcell's reaction when early in the episode, his character is whacked in the head: