Jason Shephard

"I'll let you off - again - because soon you're going to be in the spin-off series and you can't be in that if I speed-rush you into my prison."

This guy should be getting laid, every night:

What a frosty response.

Yeah, the IGN review mentioned this too. Why rob when you can aim and shoot?

Loved the way he just batted away all of Barry's early protests without breaking sweat:

True I guess, Vikings is only 10 episodes (I think) per season and there's only so much of England that can be conquered and farmed.

Thor says yes.

Reese + Shield Maiden were a great combo, Katheryn Winnick rocks in Vikings and I wouldn't mind her showing up again in PoI, but that would mean her character being killed in Vikings and that would make me…….sad.

The best part was Fitz calling out Simmons on her fear and what's its turning her into. I can see her jumping ship soon, either to RealShield or HYDRA. I love how the show has evolved those characters.

Barry should do a deal with the Weather Wizard Guy:

That Barry vs Cold showdown had me a little confused - exactly what leverage did Barry have over Cold? And vice versa?

Here's an idea: Nyssa joins what's left of the police force.

Nyssa going for the Lance double.

At this rate there's going to be no police left in that City anyway. A group of highly trained Ninjas taking orders from Ollie (or Lance) may not be such as bad idea.

Oliver Queen. Millionaire. Vigilante. Demon's Head.

Felicity works?!? I dunno, Palmer lets her have a zillion days off.

Malcolm taught her well.

Agreed, Nyssa could have brought Chris Pine home and her dad's response would still have been "WEAKNESS IS FORBIDDEN!"

"My name is Oliver Queen. The Demon's Head thought he could lure me with unlimited resources, an army of ninjas, free Netfiix for life and longer tanktops for Thea. He. Was. Wrong. Because I can and will protect this city - just this one. I will protect the police - the ones still alive. I will save Thea's soul from

He still can. He can be known as the Arrow to the public, the people within the League can call him Ra, Demon Head or whatever. He's already living an duel identity, one more won't hurt.