Jason Shephard

By the looks of it…..the International Space Station?

Yeah, I expected Nyssa to wipe the floor with everyone in that room, so it was surprising that Roy got the drop on her.

Re-branding works wonders.

I was enjoying this episode - really enjoying it - but then Ollie turned down Ra's offer.

I learned everything about multiple time-lines from Continuum, Season 3.

"Director Coulson…why are you dismantling my defence grid?"
"I'm getting my men."

I loved that scene. Wells is no fool and thought 'They're on to me. I'm done here'.


I'm not sure who is hurting more from the Wells gutpunch - me or Cisco. I knew that Cisco was dead as soon as Wells showed up but damn, that execution hurt.

Wait, Commander Adama is the head of the real SHIELD!!?!

Now that is what a call a finale.

That kiss was……great. Both characters needed it, a brief moment of pleasure and solace in a world of acid fog, minefields and bone marrow extractions. And it wasn't played for titillation, just for 2 strong leaders admitting their attraction to each other.

Late to the party but…..Finn had to go.

I didn't see the Commander reveal coming, at all, I was floored by that.

I've just binge watched the 1st season, very good TV. I felt conned (in a good way) when the true nature of the Mountain Men was revealed, followed by Clarke in her very clean quarters. It was like she was just beamed aboard 1701-D from 'SavageWorld'.

I did a double-take when I realised it was him, "WTF?! That's Pete from Warehouse 13! And he's blue!"

Good thing Skye has earthquake power-ups, its the only way to shake off the labels her work colleagues are sticking on her:

Yes, Simmons, embrace the darkness! Let it become part of you! Eradicate the Inhumans, starting with your friend who cries a lot.

God I loved this show…..I feel a full series re-watch coming on soon.

Watching TOS and the early Trek films has got a little harder now.