Jason Shephard

They are actually dealing with her rise to crime-fighter in a realistic way. No way, at this stage, would she be kicking ass. By comparison, her sis was trained by the best and for Ollie it was train or die.

[Stargate SG-1 Flashbacks]

I'm starting to think Merlin has to die.

Dig's wife would have every right to double-clock him around the head:

I think Ra's decision to offer the job was only made after Ollie and Diggie mowed down half his security force. Was he intent on giving Ollie the job before that? Only he knows, for now anyway.

Somewhere, *everyone* at an employment agency are high-fiving each other:

Netflix: Recommended for you, Demon's Head: 50 Shades of Grey.

So, when you think about it, ALL of this is happening because the Al Ghul's had a chat like this:

I'm curious, how exactly did Thea contact the League? Did she hire another DJ? Goto www.leagueofassassins.org? Did she wonder around the City until she bumped into ninjas? Maybe she called the League Hotline:

The League may have taught him how to fight but those sassy quips are all him.

The first duty of the new Ra al Ghul is to launch a full and independent enquiry of League Security because frankly, its shit.

I got a Wolfman & Hart vibe from the end of this episode.

"My name is Oliver Queen, and the Demon Head has invaded my dreams. I claim to fight for Thea's soul, when truly I will fight to erase the fall off a cliff. I will fight Ra’s al Ghul and-GOD DAMN HE'S GIVING ME HIS JOB BRO! Working Hours, Company Pension and Overtime are to be determined but if employed, I will not

2nd season wasn't bad either. When that show wanted to do action it did it with style.

As a Nikita fan, I agree. She's great in this show too, and if (when?) Agent Carter is renewed she'll hopefully be involved more.

She implied in an interview at IGN that she wouldn't be kicking-ass on this show, and she's happy with that, as I'm I.

Bridget Regan was great. Loved the way she goes from Dottie-mode "Oh I'm sorry Officer, I didn't see that red light back there!" to bad-ass Terminator-mode. I'm glad Dottie survived the season, looking forward to the rematch vs Peggy.

Loved John's reply, "Well, someone's got to pay your salary"

I continue to be impressed with Dominic, a superior breed of intelligent criminal. The forthcoming showdown between him and Elias should be epic but for now, I'll take the Resse vs Dominic scene, that for me was the highlight of a…well, meh-episode.