Get yourself an Atom Pop and live A LIFE WITHOUT REGRETS.
Get yourself an Atom Pop and live A LIFE WITHOUT REGRETS.
That’s a really interesting point. I think the seeming discrepancy comes from the chemistry involved in turning jet fuel into carbon dioxide and other waste products — the fuel is very chemically complex and energy-dense so when it’s broken apart a whole lot of simple stuff like CO2 can come out of it.
You know it’s hard out here for a pimp, when he’s tryin’ a find some gas for his blimp.
Doctors ask you to do that because it contracts the muscles at the back of throat, making the tonsils easily visible; it also elevates the soft palate, which is a good function test of the vagus and glossylpharangeal nerves.
You should only put sugar on your lawn if your real lawn goal is to be able to declare yourself the Supreme Commander of Sticky Grass Ant Farming.
Do it! They’re super fun.
It’s been available in the US for three years now and I (an averagely engaged consumer) just found out it exists….maybe that’s at least a part of the poor sales numbers?
Wow, your grandparents must be morons.
Sure, on a motorcycle you own…
I’m pretty sure Lenny Kravitz and Questlove are both just wearing their normal everyday attire.
I kinda doubt they’ll have the budget or gravitas to pull it off……but, Nine In Nails is still a thing…
I went for the love of a 90s Goth Girl. Worth it.
“I don’t know what that tune would be, but I know I’m mad about it.”
I imagine since it’s a gift he’ll own the new truck outright with a clear title and all. If that’s the case he’ll only be required to carry basic liability insurance in Texas. So, maybe not so burdensome.
That’s ridiculous.
Hard pass. Because I’m selfish and ok with that.
Dude’s gotta be responsible for more wings then RedBull.