
It’s hard to take the Times’ supposed war for the truth seriously when this guy is allowed to continue writing for them.

Not unless those flashlights can see through the smoke.

“Operation Asian Touch” “Arturo” “Sergio,”

As a Detroiter, I recall this; it’s one of my favorites...trying to cover up their affair with a different scandal(gay affair for the guy, I think? Correct me if my memory is failing). I believe both of them tried to run for their seats again the next election, and accordingly lost, of course.

Well, if he doesn’t resign, then he’ll be carted out in cuffs when he’s arrested for terrorism. That’ll be lulz.

I’m Jewish and liberal.

Incorrect. Anakin’s saber was destroyed in TLJ.

Palpatine coming back to life has been a thing for almost 30 years. The Dark Empire stories saw to that, and those were done in the early 90's. Abrams clearly borrowed from them.

For the uninitiated, re: the return of Palpatine...

You’re not crazy.

It’s freaky how close to the reality that is.

Mr. President This Is A Wendy’s


The problem with women like her is they don’t get that. She thinks it all equals out, and she’ll never acknowledge she did wrong as such.

Fortunately, sometimes there are other actors who will throw their weight behind someone; Momoa’s help got Emilia Clarke to call down the nude scenes she was doing.

I spent a few minutes on the site just now. Nice stress alleviator. Gotta make sure I keep going back.

I always remembered The Lone Ranger, long since retired, making a significant discovery about Tonto’s use of the word kemosabe. “Indian word for a horse’s rear end. What the....?”

I want to add a couple people for recognition;

You just made me think of him pulling a Tropic Thunder Lincoln Osiris, which would be hilarious for so many reasons.

I didn’t play any of them, does that help?