I recommend this guy. It's not a list, but he answers questions I didn't even know I had. http://lostanswers.tumblr.com/
I recommend this guy. It's not a list, but he answers questions I didn't even know I had. http://lostanswers.tumblr.com/
I hope her list of demands includes not following the 3rd book at all. Man was that a pile of dogshit.
Spoiler Alert: You are in Paris.
Joke's on you, BYU doesn't even know the Hail Mary.
the album release wasn't for free. Apple paid them like $100 million, right? It's already bought.
To the writer Mr. Harvilla:
20% y'all.
People, please remember, if you are stuffing your piehole with pasta you've already paid $100 for, tip your server a respectable amount for the gluttonous amount of pasta you are receiving. These folks work their asses off for a living.
I have to fast foward all of Dany's parts because they're THE WORRSSSTTT.
Daenerys simultaneously makes me ragey and bored. I like Tyrion's chapters the best.
My secret is that I also find Daenerys boring as all get out.
Huh, it's interesting. Do you guys think there's a gender divide in GoT? Like a lot of my male friends love Stannis chapters, and Jon Snow chapters. But my female friends aren't big fans of those two chapters, while really enjoying Sansa, and Daenerys chapters. But my male friends aren't that big of fan of those two.
Exactly how I read it, too. Frankly, I'd enjoy hockey more if it was accompanied by quaint and slightly quirky French accordion soundtrack.
I loved that movie!
It's really not that surprising that when you support minorities in any way, the majority will oppose it. In three more years, I'm sure you'll still be comfortable in your racism, but fewer people will.
They're all about heritage and tradition, but they changed the fight song. Why would they do that?