I see where you’re coming from, the problem is that Ghostbusters was an already established franchise with its own group of fans who were already clamouring for a sequel.
I see where you’re coming from, the problem is that Ghostbusters was an already established franchise with its own group of fans who were already clamouring for a sequel.
I think most Ghostbuster fans just wanted to see the franchise continued in some form. It didn’t have to be a direct sequel, it could have been a spin off or some kind of continuation within the same universe as the first two movies. Hitting the reset button and going through the motions again just feels redundant. I…
So this basically confirms Sony is stirring the sexism pot in order to get publicity.
Except James Rolfe took that stance and was villfied for it in various articles as being a “whiny man baby” for refusing to see it.
As a lifelong Ghostbusters fan, I apologise for any sexist remarks that other “fans” may have made towards the new movie, however I must stress that they are not representative of the fan base as a whole and there are many of us (both male and female) who have issues with the film, not for the gender of its casting,…