Shelby Forthright

whatever. She still won the popular slope.

They barely trampled that woman! That’s why nobody respects American soccer fans.

I don’t see how swapping one short, fat dictator with another changes anything.

In fact I do. Surprisingly, as critical-thinking, intelligent people who have their own opinions they too believe these wrist slaps are bogus and an example of a university kowtowing to knee-jerk public sentiment. They believe that scolding those on the periphery of the situation will in no way create any sort of

You keep saying hearsay, but just because you bold it doesn’t make it so. Hearsay is an out of court statement (made for the truth of the matter asserted, if we want to get technical with it). As in “I heard him say XXX.” When someone says “this guy beat the shit out of me,” that’s not hearsay. She’s not reporting

The alleged victim was not a student, and therefore likely not protected by Title IX more than any other adult with a DV claim. This is a criminal case, plain and simple. At that point, a law enforcement agency is far more equipped to take, and investigate a report than an athletic department or quasi-judicial

B) They are governed by the rules of Title IX which is meant to protect students not relevant, because Tumpkin is not a student.

I totally agree with the point you are making (and, full disclosure, another CU alum here, for my PhD). We really need to be removing employers from the process altogether and funnel things toward law enforcement as soon as possible.

I didn’t even notice it when I read your OP. We can be one and share our shame together. “a woman” and “them”. Shame on Shelby!

and then you’d be fined 100,000 dollars, which is somehow viewed as appropriate

I just said, “person” and “they” in the same sentence and it is too late to correct it.

If I were Emma in this psychodrama, I would tell the person who called that they need to inform the proper authorities, not the employer.

As a result, Hernandez allegedly waited for the men to leave the club, pulled up next to their vehicle, yelled “what up, [racial slur]?”

I think it’s great these schools aren’t being a bunch of big pussies about this flap and will snatch the opportunity to punish these little twats for their misogynistic comments.

Sometimes it helps to remember those who have passed during happier times. I’m going to remember the 1995 Fiesta Bowl, where Salaam and Colorado fucked up Notre Dame, and a nation smiled.

The punishment is fair, if you ask me. I wore a similar outfit recently, and got told to “please stop vaping,” and “remain at least 500 yards away from the elementary school.”

OMG, I was in Seattle last weekend and those people have no collective memory. I unfortunately root for the Raiders and I gotta tell you, I hate the broncos, chiefs and chargers in that order but I have no animosity towards my former division rival Seahawks at all. Has the 12 thing always existed? Because I have no

This is incredibly touching, just not with hands.

Ascot guy: “I say old chap, they’re now selling discount free-range escargot. How garish! This is what Trump has wrought upon the proletariat! The scoundrel!”

“International Federation of Bodybuilding president Rafael Santonja”