Agreed; from what I can tell, seller sunk a ton of money into thoughtful mods, and the end-result is a nicely-done, well-maintained example of a Porsche hotrod.
Agreed; from what I can tell, seller sunk a ton of money into thoughtful mods, and the end-result is a nicely-done, well-maintained example of a Porsche hotrod.
3 grand is fun weekend toy/project car all day. Anyone not voting NP has no soul.
“Sadly, that never received enough development cash to become, as the Marines say, all that it could be.”
CP for the car and the poll. While the poll looked nice, it just doesn’t work for me. Sort of like the car.
For $2500 I’ll live with whatever quirks it has. Check the car carefully for flood damage though, with all of the hurricanes and shit in Texas. It’s a steal as long as it hasn’t gone for a swim.
It wasn’t for that person, it was for everyone else.
That was much more digital ink than BeetleCamry deserved.
Driving a car from showroom new to 1 million miles in a (relatively) short period of time is a feat of driving. That’s a person who did an amazing, physical, challenge. All they had to do was maintain the car according to spec (starting with a perfect example, mind you), and just, drive a lot.
Let’s make NPOCP history today.
They’re making fun of the TT stereotype of being a car driven by hairdressers. Same as Miatas used to be. Don’t feel bad, it was a bad joke, they should feel bad.
I had a girlfriend in college and shortly after that was half Italian and half German, she could go from being completely sexy, warm and wonderful to out of control, devious and destructive, all while maintaining the German penchant for ruthless, efficient cruelty... it was like dating the 2/3s of the axis powers, a…