Jason Maggard

I'm sorry, but you're very wrong here.

Thanks pedant. That changes everything.

That comment makes no sense… Are you talking about a show other than Sense8, which was what the post I replied to was talking about?

Meh, a show that asks you to put in three to four hours before you even know if it's any good? I think it's deserving of a lambast. As an artist of any kind, audience engagement IS the job.

Well, then they've also missed out on the Russian mob as hinted in previous seasons.

You have to reach a certain number of plays before they even worry about cutting you a check. I forget the exact number, because I've never even come close to it.

That's what bothered me… Rick is sitting there talking down to these people. Umm, moron, they've survived the Zombie Apocalypse as long as you have. Hell, they're doing a lot better than your group ever did.

No, they were big enough on their first album to even be an also-ran in the brit invasion.

Are you all reet?

If you limit it to "popular" music, 99% of it has been artistically irredeemable regardless of race. It's been Quincy Jones and a dozen suits in a room saying "But does it sell beer?"

How have I gone this long without seeing that video… WTF??

Spartacus - So full of CGI dong your eyes will water. Just don't watch it before "The Walkng Dead" or you're going to have too many thoughts of "I've seen Shane's (CGI, size of a child's arm) cock."

True story, I was called in to do security consulting by a very prestigious university that I won't name. In our initial meeting I laid out the "martial law" method of security, only to be rebuffed about how they trust their staff, this is an educational setting, blah, blah, blah… Basically telling me to leave all of

So, we can assume your theatre will not be showing "The Interview"?

I guess you were really committed to telling me how much you didn't like it.

Dude, buy a sense of humor. Preferably dark.

I'm smoking some enema combatant right now. It's giving me dry a$$. Maybe the Govt. has some good tips for rectal rehydration? Nothing extreme mind you…

Carmike is letting the terrorists win.

Hmmmm…. She was even hotter in Children of Men. You could posit that the hotness factor keeps rising. In 1995 she looked like a willowy Julia Roberts.

I never really bought the "sheltered country girl knows Tom Waits catalogue" thing. I found Beth to be annoying.