Jason Maggard

What is the round clear "bubble" thing in the corner of their kitchen next to the TV set?

Never had that much coke in one place, plus it sticks to your skin and is a bitch to clean up.

Reddi-Whip and Gulden's are both owned by ConAgra. Of course, they also own Hebrew National, which would have been funny as shit to see in her fridge. (She's got to USE that mustard for something tho… )

Also, Joe's Dad said he was abducted in the 70's… I thought I heard it wrong and rewound… But he said 70's.

The "Yidu" storyline was ridiculous. Daughter of the Emperor that Ragnar just happened to take in a raid on Paris? 3 seasons after the Vikings weren't even aware of England?

Eugene has a huge role beyond that in the comics… You could say by the end of "All out War", he was one of the more important guys.

I'll just leave this here:

Sex music for ant people, ant music for sex people….

A quick Google reveals that the US managed to keep the neutral zone by right of treaty.

The show is pretty liberal with the use of "Pons".

Seriously dude… What would an unbiased assessment be? Bravo to you for the snark tho.

I'd totally agree with you if I had any clue who that was.

Felecia Day reminds me of the girls I used to have crushes on in High School. I now realize that those girls were shallow, neurotic, and full of themselves.

The use and availability of synthesizers made the primary difference between the music of the 70's and 80's, as well as new recording techniques that left '80's music almost unlistenably sterile. Click tracking was brand new, etc…

If I had a nickel for every time a joke has been stolen for me, I'd have sixteen nickels! #tellitlikeyoustoleit

How did you guys miss all of the bizarre Obama videos on that channel?

As someone who has diddled his share of Cracker Barrel waitresses (don't judge me!) I have universally heard it called the "Honky Bucket" by staff in their off hours.

Everybody is 1/16th Cherokee. Even if they're not. That's not just a SC thing.

I'm probably older than you by a good bit. And you need to work on your reading comprehension.

The issue is not a person, but the removal of the flag from the South Carolina Capital building. Duh.