Jason Maggard

"Rick…. Rick…. We gotta go on a supply run… My Lightning cable just broke. Also, a generator would be helpful."

Wait, that's not Jaime Pressley? Darn Hollywood and their interchangeable bimbos.

Meh, I've found that for such an intelligent website, the AV Club has some stupid comments. People working really hard to try and be funny by one upping each other's pop culture references gets old fast.

Pfffth…. Both of them ripped off Greg the Bunny and Warren the Ape. What was that stupid Bob Goldthwait show where he was the stuffed rabbit? Mr. Floppy?? Yeah… It's not "parallel thinking" it's "parallel stealing".

Trust was his weakest album? Hmmm.

Because Peter Griffin is a Buddy Hackett rip-off just like Fred Flinstone and Jackie Gleason.

This is the same woman who can tell her clone to hide her "ugly" face.