
"I really like The Walking Dead. I think it's one of the best shows on TV right now and a pretty good drama because of the characters and the stories, not the cool zombie makeup although that doesn't hurt."

I find music - the more rubbish and 'pop-like' the better (ie old 80's electronic stuff works best for me) when I am trying to push myself. But for all other times like longer slower runs etc... I listen to a lot of BBC radio podcasts. There are lots of sciency/comedy ones there. I always get strange looks while

Most of my runs nowadays tend towards 8 miles or over, so for the first half a mile I walk, then run slowly uphill for the next half a mile. By then all muscles seem to be working well, and except for occasional stretches later in the run while stopping for a drink I'm good. Never felt the need for stretching, never

"Qi covered it :) "

Sorry if that message came over a little harsh (wasn't meant). I have just heard so many people talk about it as if it's the end of the world :)

Trying not to sound like a douche or anything... but why are all Americans (sorry if you're not) so scared of mildew/mould? Here in the UK it's no big deal?

Here you go then. Just print it off, wrap around the appropriate end of the cables, and stick with glue/sticky tape.

Sure is.

Ahhhhh... so that's the real reason there is a little compartment in my Nikes? Not for the silly Nokia+ running thingy.

Surface tension?

Just be careful. We still have (some very expensive in their day) Imagesetters that require Appletalk to use. Upgrading a fried iMac to a nice new MacMini and Snow Leopard meant that I now can't imageset anything.

I think he was just stressing the phrase "plot hole" since "plot whole" must have been annoying him (me too - but then I'm pretty sad).

Yeah, I read it in the article too. I just couldn't remember hearing it in the actual episode.

@syafiqjabar of Mars: I personally didn't like The Rock but I can see why others would like it. Bad Boys 1 was quite fun, whereas Bad Boys 2 was rubbish wasn't it?

@Ghost_in_the_Machine: I don't remember blonde girl saying that pope actually raped her - I though it was just the other 2 rednecks? (My memory is rubbish lately though)

@Tony Chavez: Isn't it more like allowing the human race to continue breeding - in small numbers for slave labour? Then wiping the floor with any organised resistance?

@SG-17: With angels hidden amongst the cast?

@Rachel Atwood: Excellent. I was not meaning to infer anything bad about Gawker, just a personal opinion on the 'ethicalness' of getting work done for free, which otherwise would have to be paid for.

@Platypus Man: I agree. It is a person's choice whether to do work for free or not. *In the workplace* the minimum wage laws are there to stop it becoming endemic. I see unpaid internships as a type of slavery. *If* you behave and work really hard - then maybe there will be a nicely paid job for you here afterwards...