
Frankly, the American system is so structured to prevent such a thing from happening.

This is true. But we don’t really want to take the chance on finding out.

so everyone who notices the trend line should shut up, got it.

Not yet, no. But only vigilance will keep us from approaching it.

Yes, but would you say we’re headed in the direction of liberal democracy, shared prosperity, and expanding rights, or the other way, at the moment?

When I was in the service I was on an honour guard and I went to several ceremonies at WW2 military cemeteries in France.

I heard this recently .... In Russia Putin controls the media and in the US the media controls Trump. Fox says and it soon after Trump tweets it.

“Control of mass media is the first move of fascists”

A friend of mine whose parents left Poland in the late 1930s recently told me some of the older members of her extended family in Europe are telling the younger family members to get out now: “we’ve seen this before,” sell everything, go to Israel.

My family was in Germany during the war and their strategy of keeping their heads down and hoping it would pass didn’t work. By 1945 most of the homes and the family business had been bombed into the ground and most of the men had died or disappeared in Russia.

I sleep well at night knowing I won’t have to explain to my grandkids someday that I was one of the good Germans.

Shit, I’m out here blogging and you hit me back with SEC filings. I’m shook

No bonuses for the top execs?! They will be like the poor Cratchits this Christmas!

No, dumbass, lead literally damages developing brains leading to defects which increase aggression and hamper decision making. Read the damn article I linked to.

I turn it around on them. Because I’m active in my community I’ll ask them specific questions like “you seem very interested and concerned with violence in black communities. What is your opinion on the peace in the streets march? What about 1000 men? I assume you were at the march two weeks ago and as such, how did

Your experience matches my own.

It’s 2017 and communities stuck in old housing are still drinking poison that makes teens angry and that poison is tap water. Crime is a result of monied interests not giving a shit.

When a white person brings up “black on black crime” that is code for “I do not like black people and I think that they are deserving of violence because they have brought it on themselves”.

Because the military became god-heroes thanks to cultural guilt over Vietnam, which excuses everything Blackwater types do by being “near-military”.