
@roninpenguin: Should George Soros be heard more than you? He's given tens of millions of dollars to NPR, the Tides Foundation, MoveOn.org, Media Matters and countless other liberal causes. Do you think that doesn't influence politics? Do you want to set up a commission to determine where he's allowed to donate his

@roninpenguin: It's not my rule, it's this one: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of

@Talthybius: Wow, what an insightful contribution to the dialogue. Thanks so much for that, you do your own side of the argument such a valuable service. Ad hominem attacks are the final refuge of a feeble argument.

@ARP: Your arguments would be more interesting if you'd objected when unions were the only ones doing so. The Supreme Court believes that a corporation (as a group of people) does have the right of free expression just as individuals do. So don't take this the wrong way, but your opinion that they don't have the

@Talthybius: You mean, to allow companies (made up of people) the same free speech rights that unions have had all along? Is that the outrage you're talking about? Or do you mean the evil shadowy groups Obama has been demonizing. By the way, the big one is not the Chamber of Commerce — it's AFSCME, the union for

First choice would always be a dorm-sized fridge if your office allows it (i.e. a fridge to keep in your own office/cube). But if confrontation is necessary, then have one item which you bring back and forth with you all week in your lunch. If nobody's stolen it, you throw it out at the end of the week, and you can

@Orion126: It's not like AC's talking about not eating lunch at all. He/She's saying put your food in a lunchbox with an ice pack, somewhere a bit safer. Makes perfect sense to me. I never use the communal office fridge, for this and a variety of other reasons.

Caffeine also exists for Windows:

@deses12: First of all, clicking a single link is demonstrably faster than changing your power settings. It takes me 1/100 of a second to launch caffeine. Can you change your power settings that fast?

@jeffk: LOL!! Awesomeness.

I'd suggest not relying on the subject field alone. Oftentimes the subject is vague and the body is where the trigger word might be, especially when someone is giving away several items, for example, the subject might be "OFFER: Electronics" or "OFFER: sporting goods" and in the body is where it would say "Nokia

@kyokan: To wake from a complete shutdown requires (afaik) a setting in the Bios. I'm not aware of anything that can be done within the OS to wake from complete shutdown. If you have access to your bios settings, poke around in there and look for a scheduled start-up setting. I'm actually surprised how many

Is there a mechanism available for porting your legally-owned ebook between platforms? It's terribly annoying that we're stuck once again in a world of competing and incompatible formats. Even if Adobe and Amazon want to duke it out on the best format, it's too bad they didn't take a more consumer-friendly approach

@soldstatic: TC will encrypt a drive in place (I've quoted from their FAQ below) so you could, theoretically, use a Partitioning program to add a partition at the front or back of your drive, then encrypt-in-place the other one.

I'm sorry for his loss, but I'm surprised that anyone who isa developer and/or a regular Lifehacker reader wouldn't have known more about TrueCrypt and other measures beforehand. Someone needs to read more Lifehacker!

@philosopher_dog: Respectfully I disagree. Any thief with the sophistication to wipe the hard drive probably also has the sophistication to retrieve some data. But the more likely scenario imho is they sell the machine — unused, unaccessed and unwiped — to a fence/middleman. Now the question becomes does that

@warsaw_andy: @nbgangsta is correct for full system encryption. I choose to have my system unencrypted but have a very large partition encrypted with all my data files. So for me, I type in a password once windows is loaded, it mounts my data partition, and that's the last I see of TrueCrypt until the next time I

@soldstatic: Make 2 partitions on the drive. The first, very small, contains TC executables, and maybe a few other utilities. The second, the bulk of the drive, is an encrypted partition.

I used cars.com and essentially created the same dynamic. Set up a temporary email and Google Voice number so you can cut them off when you're done, then submit the specs one or more times through cars.com and begin fielding calls from dealers. Let them know you've already done your shopping and are prepared to buy,

I always find it helpful to put aside the clutter, sit down and watch an episode of Hoarders. Nothing feels like a problem then. :-)