
@czadd: Look, I won't pretend to be qualified to argue the statistics of the NAS study you linked to. But riddle me this:

@Jeb_Hoge: sorry, I clearly had my dunce cap on :-) Damn, I hate when I don't get the joke . . .

@omnichad: Though that's a common argument against profiling, it's not borne out by facts. When was the last time an El Al airliner was blown up? It's the national airline of the #1 target of terrorists. They profile their passengers. And there's never been a successful attack.

Damn, it's terrible that the TSA is forced to go through all these elaborate procedures to identify bad guys. If only all the people who were trying to hijack planes and/or kill people fell into some sort of narrower subset of the population. If ONLY it were possible to FILTER the traveling billions down into

@l337_7r4d3r: LOVE the acronym!! How have I never seen that? Brilliant!

If I'm not mistaken, the excellent included mount with the Garmin is an Arkon mount. This is an AWESOME tip and the Arkon universal mount is a terrific tool, but it's also worth checking out whether Arkon already MAKES a custom mount for your device.

The excerpt references but does not explain Stacy Snyder. Not sure whether it's common knowledge or not:

@PearsonFlyer: Your description combined with my Newegg-love put this item atop my ToDo list. Thanks!

@kschang: I don't know about your machine, but my Dell laptop has a big old vent on the bottom where it pulls in air, draws it over the processor and exhausts it out the side. If you have solid plastic on the bottom of your laptop then I'd agree that a fan would do little to improve things. But I have a big vent on

@Buzz Mega: You may want to check the specs of Sony NEX cameras again.

The story makes it clear why the NY Times is dying, and not soon enough. Not only is there no analysis, but they make a numerical claim based on some guy at a tech shop in Tempe using a thermometer on TWO laptops. Wow.

@PearsonFlyer: That does look nice. Is that really a 9 INCH diameter fan?? I think that might be what was in my first car!

@genkainashi: imho you're punishing the wrong entity. Move to Chris Christie's New Jersey, but keep buying from Amazon. :-) Kidding, I know it's much easier to change stores than to change states, but it's nice to dream . . .

Paying 500 to 1000% less that designer prices would mean someone was PAYING YOU 4 to 9 times the designer price to take their glasses.

@SA: I'm not a Droid user. I have a Palm Pre and am quite happy with it. It multitasks and is about half the size of an iPhone, and has a real keyboard to boot. The only downside I'm aware of is there are apparently only 12 of us in the world who use it :-)

I use LAN Speed Test but also like PCATTCP, which is a free command line tool available here:

@SA: "Does HTC or Motorola have a 30 day return policy on their blah blah blah?"

@brodiemac: I was going based on several stories I'd read, including this from Engadget: "Apple's not really ready to say it's sorry about the iPhone 4 antenna design . . ."